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Heading back to the UK after 2.5 years and I dont want to go!!!!

Que Sera Sera

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No please dont put this in the MBUK section, its only for Christmas and New Year. Got to give up my Christmas day by the Sea/Pool and spend a bloody fortune to sit down with the Outlaws in a cramped little house and it never even bloody snows. But give and take in marriages and all that, so, as the OH is determined we are flying out for 2 weeks ( 2 weeks I'll never get back!:cry:) at Christmas. Trying hard to find the positives cause I dont like shopping, am not bothered about sausages and couldnt give a flying fig about the bloody beer.:swoon:

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Go visit some castles and old houses - the kind of thing you don't really get in Oz. You might not like them but it will get you out of the house and be a bit different to anything you can get here.


On the plus side your OH gets to see her family and you probably won't have to see them again afterwards for ages. And if you like Christmas lights you will get to see loads without having to go out late in the evening.

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No please dont put this in the MBUK section, its only for Christmas and New Year. Got to give up my Christmas day by the Sea/Pool and spend a bloody fortune to sit down with the Outlaws in a cramped little house and it never even bloody snows. But give and take in marriages and all that, so, as the OH is determined we are flying out for 2 weeks ( 2 weeks I'll never get back!:cry:) at Christmas. Trying hard to find the positives cause I dont like shopping, am not bothered about sausages and couldnt give a flying fig about the bloody beer.:swoon:

Enjoy your quality time in the uk, at ,at least you will be able to have a REAL Xmas and be able to eat some decent food and decent ale fr a time.

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Coincidentally had a chat with the missus about this at the weekend - ie when we might want to go back for a visit


We listed out the stuff we miss and the vast majority was summer related: long evenings, pub beer gardens, village cricket, ordnance survey maps (as used in country walks), the particular shade of green you get in the countryside that doesn't exist here, wildflowers, etc etc. So it was a piece of cake to decide we only ever wanted to go back in summers. Neither of us are bothered at all by having Christmas in summer, it's so rarely a "proper" white Christmas (I think I remember maybe one or two) anyway, most of the time Xmas Day is just grey. And both of us have always hated the period just after Christmas anyway - the "dead zone" between Xmas and New Year when people are scratting about looking for something to do or visiting family because they have to, the frenetic jumble sale that is the High St, the annual non-event that is NYE, followed by the grumps people develop in early Jan when they know they have 3 cold months yet to go, the Xmas bills are rolling in and the days are dark and horrible. No thanks


Not that I want to put you off or anything, mind


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Coincidentally had a chat with the missus about this at the weekend - ie when we might want to go back for a visit


We listed out the stuff we miss and the vast majority was summer related: long evenings, pub beer gardens, village cricket, ordnance survey maps (as used in country walks), the particular shade of green you get in the countryside that doesn't exist here, wildflowers, etc etc. So it was a piece of cake to decide we only ever wanted to go back in summers. Neither of us are bothered at all by having Christmas in summer, it's so rarely a "proper" white Christmas (I think I remember maybe one or two) anyway, most of the time Xmas Day is just grey. And both of us have always hated the period just after Christmas anyway - the "dead zone" between Xmas and New Year when people are scratting about looking for something to do or visiting family because they have to, the frenetic jumble sale that is the High St, the annual non-event that is NYE, followed by the grumps people develop in early Jan when they know they have 3 cold months yet to go, the Xmas bills are rolling in and the days are dark and horrible. No thanks


Not that I want to put you off or anything, mind


You mean the crisp frosty cloudless sunny winters days that we get more often than not...

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No please dont put this in the MBUK section, its only for Christmas and New Year. Got to give up my Christmas day by the Sea/Pool and spend a bloody fortune to sit down with the Outlaws in a cramped little house and it never even bloody snows. But give and take in marriages and all that, so, as the OH is determined we are flying out for 2 weeks ( 2 weeks I'll never get back!:cry:) at Christmas. Trying hard to find the positives cause I dont like shopping, am not bothered about sausages and couldnt give a flying fig about the bloody beer.:swoon:


cheer up! You might even enjoy it

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
He does not want to enjoy in mate, some people are like that.



Like you said you didn't enjoy Australia, pot kettle, lol.

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Guest Trueblue22

Ewww UK at Xmas....I personally can't think of anything worse!! Sorry guess that's not cheering you up lol!!


Ermmmmm I really can't offer up any positives sorry :laugh:

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Guest guest17301

Bah humbug Cath!! It'll be great! That said we got the choice to return in Oct or Xmas and we chose Oct, I actually would miss my sunny outdoor xmas day with my chilled out buffet dinner....we got a new xmas routine going now..and I like it! We go back in 2 weeks and when we get back it will be just a few weeks off going to choose our real xmas tree from the farm......but hey just think, it may snow, you can get that cosy xmas feeling without the pressure to shop till you drop, just go the pub....and watch all the brilliant xmas tv....If I were you I'd sneak off for a night in a traditional old inn or something and enjoy the festivities alone..! Have a fab time anyway...

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Guest The Pom Queen

Cath I'll take your place, hopefully everyone will be so drunk on sherry and port they won't notice :wink: I'd love a Christmas back in the UK but I'd have to be guaranteed snow

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