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Heading back to the UK after 2.5 years and I dont want to go!!!!

Que Sera Sera

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Guest Trueblue22




If I want snow I'll head for Snowy Mountains.....besides the snow is a bit more guaranteed there :wink:

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Guest guest17301

Christmas is the highlight of the year in the UK...I kind of get the impression it's not given that much credence in Oz...correct me if I'm wrong Aussies...it's to be looked forward to and celebrated but not the massive event of the year it is in the UK, like we have the season of xmas in the UK where here it feels like it's just the day????

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Thanks everyone, its so much bloomin money and anyone who knows me knows, Im really happy here and really dont feel the need to return, but my OH has a new neice and nephew he hasnt seen, ( theyve been bloomin busy since we went :wink:) I will be glad to see my sister though as she has just had a masectomy and people who know me also know that I no longer have my Mum and Dad, but my OH does so I will make the most of it, but quite frankly there are loads and loads of Australia let alone the world I could seen for the money its going to cost to take us back to rainy old Bristol for two weeks. ( It never snows! ) I shall look forward to seeing some lovely friends and also my sons face when he sees his Nan. Also I shall bring back a suitcase full of yellow dusters........(well we all have our weaknesses :biglaugh:) But mostly I shall be watching my OH have a lovely time getting bladdered with the family.........nothing else for it but to join in.

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Guest The Pom Queen
OMG Cath I saw your post and nearly choked on my chocolate!!! You are the last person I thought I would see that post from :)


Enjoy if you can and make some money while your there...take orders and hike your prices up and make a fortune! lol only joking...



Chocolate, you could have shared :cry:

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Enjoy your quality time in the uk, at ,at least you will be able to have a REAL Xmas and be able to eat some decent food and decent ale fr a time.


I thought he was going to the UK, not The Holy Land. Judging by the amount of sunshine Israel gets, even at Xmas, you are much closer to a 'real Xmas' in Australia.

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i find it so funny how people crave and rave about xmas, my god its one day in the year, full of people arguing etc etc. People obsess about open fires, snow etc how often do you get that in the UK. i lived in Poole for 5 years and we had parties on the beach, which was such good fun, hopefully that will transfer to our life in oz, and if its just me and the wife, even better

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Sorry but all my sympathy is for the "outlaws" being lumbered with a family member for Xmas lunch in their "cramped little house" who really doesn't want to be there.


Excuse me this thread was supposed to be completely tongue and cheek, thanks for making such a nasty comment. I am flying a long way all the way there and back to make my OH and the Outlaws happy and I will be very friendly whilst there, I am a nice person and wouldnt dream of not being grateful, The term Outlaw is an affectionate one that we all use about eachother. Dont make such personal comments when you dont know me!

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I must admit I'm often tempted to fill those things in incorrectly just for the sake of throwing a miniscule spanner in the works of a rather silly system




Ha ha ... same here, I was tempted before to tick all boxes, or draw smiley faces on it, or whatever... :)

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I wouldn't be too fussed either. I think you are being very gracious by going and spending the time with your Outlaws. I am sure once there, you will have a ball. At least it will be different this year. Could you take some time out to go off and visit some places. I appreciate if it did snow, the UK would declare a "national emergency" and the country would come to a standstill, but perhaps make the most of the time you have there and visit some places that you didn't manage to see whilst living there. If it were me, I would be hyperventilating at the thought of the Boxing Day Sales, but I am a bit of a ShopaFrolic:biggrin:.


Every year we are asked to go over for Xmas and we just don't feel the same about it any more, so really understand where you are coming from.


Wishing you a lovely time.

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