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my life is so boring!!

Wellers and Whitehead

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Then there was the case of the over zealous reporting of child abuse was it in Liverpool in the eighties. Don't recall the facts now apart from many scores of kids were declared abused by a certain doctor,whom I think was Australian.


In Auistralia at least it can be very difficult in many areas to report misgivings outside without breaching legal issues. Matters are supposed to be kept in house and acted upon or not,if the case may throw a bad light on the agency involved.

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I used to work with family counsellore and they often used to report abuse to the DHS. They rarely did anything and often sent kids back to the same household where there had been sexual abuse- without the perp being removed. This was about 2000-2001 so obviously nothing's changed! There were never enouggh foster homes either and the old childrens' homes were closed down long ago so I guess that was an issue, too. Children from Aboriginal families were never allowed to be removed whatever the reason. Full stop. Mainly because of the past and the stolen generation- gone full circle.

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