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safe on the streets of Sydney!? ha!

Wellers and Whitehead

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Jesus..just stood waiting to cross the road and this middle aged guy tells me he's a fighter. He pointed to his T shirt which had a tiger on it, then proceeds to tell me how he's like a tiger, 'if I get trapped in a corner, I show no mercy!' Then he went on to say how good he is with a knife and told me the best ones to use!! Safe on the streets of Sydney!!?? Ha!

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Guest Guest26012
I know..why does stuff like this always happen to me??


Bet you always get the nutters sat next to you on the bus or train eh?

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Bet you always get the nutters sat next to you on the bus or train eh?[/QUOT


Always! Just on my way to work one day, this woman spoke to me so started chatting (as you do to make the journey go quicker). She asked what I did for work (social worker) and within 10 mins proceeded to tell me how she had been abused by several members of her family, ex husband, her sister was abused by the same people. By the end of the hour commute I offered to go with her to seek support and gave her my e mail.

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Guest Guest26012
Bet you always get the nutters sat next to you on the bus or train eh?[/QUOT


Always! Just on my way to work one day, this woman spoke to me so started chatting (as you do to make the journey go quicker). She asked what I did for work (social worker) and within 10 mins proceeded to tell me how she had been abused by several members of her family, ex husband, her sister was abused by the same people. By the end of the hour commute I offered to go with her to seek support and gave her my e mail.



Lol! Don't tell em what you do for a living! I tell em I work in a supermarket then they talk to you about the price of fish! Can't win!

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Jesus..just stood waiting to cross the road and this middle aged guy tells me he's a fighter. He pointed to his T shirt which had a tiger on it, then proceeds to tell me how he's like a tiger, 'if I get trapped in a corner, I show no mercy!' Then he went on to say how good he is with a knife and told me the best ones to use!! Safe on the streets of Sydney!!?? Ha!


He was just a friendly Aussie reassuring you he'd be there to defend you if you had any trouble. Jeez...Poms...no pleasing them! :rolleyes::wink:

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Ha! Wasn't scared as work with people who have charges/convictions etc, so deal with worse stuff than that, but on your day off, in a niceish area, when your minding your own business, made me chuckle more than anything. bless him! He started talking about british soldiers and fighting against other soldiers..think he liked fighting ha!

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'The Streets of Sydneycisco', starring Karl Malden & Michael Douglas? Time was, pre mobile phones, when you could be reasonably sure that anybody waving their arms about and shouting, was someone to be avoided, and you crossed the road. Now, you end up criss-crossing the road a hundred times in as many metres. And of course if it's one way, like Elizabeth, or Devonshire, you HAVE to remember to look both ways for cyclists.


A couple of weeks back, i saw this well-dressed bloke SHOUTING at the wall of the pub. I thought 'this guy is certifiable' then I realized he had his phone connection in the ear I couldn't see.

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I see people most days of the week in surrey hills (Dev/Elisabeth area) in such states. One guy so off his face nearly got run over by a bus, a young lad again off his face or mental health crying and just generally looking distressed, a hand full of police taking to various people with a few users looking on and involved. I often wonder if I ever walk past you in the street!?

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