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Anyone skipped off without paying their bills.....


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Guest Longtime Lurker

Sorry to hear your predicament - I guess it is not a decision you would take lightly and pleased it is not one I need to take. At least with summer on its way for you hopefully your electric usage will reduce.


Walking a way from a debt is not something I would personally do but that is just me and I am not walking in your shoes. Sorry no pearls of wisdom to offer as I know nothing about renting in Aus. I hope things work out for you.

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As we do not know your financial circumstances a hard one. Only thing is that if you did return to Aus your credit rating will be gone gone gone. Not sure whether on an international rating list as well as I believe a lot of this goes on.




As a note, abuse and name calling on this thread will not be tolerated. You are warned

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I wouldn't normally condone leaving bills unpaid, but after our electricity company messed us about for a whole year after we got solar panels, seemingly unable to switch us on to the solar tariff and leaving us without a bill for a year, I was a little less caring of them. Then after they finally managed to put us on the correct tariff after the Ombudsman got involved, they refused to back-pay us for the electricity that we had been exporting for a year, so I am even less sympathetic towards them.


To be honest, I probably wouldn't do it, but then I am the sort who lies awake at night worrying about this sort of thing. However, I am sure that if I was in the situation that it was either pay the bill or feed my children, I know exactly what I would do, and I certainly wouldn't think any less of someone who was put in a predicament and made that same choice.

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Can really understand you not wanting to pay your electrticity bill, as they have tripled in the time we have been here. We had friends who went back that didn't pay any of there aussie bills & have been back for over a year!Haven't had the hangman over to them yet!But they have no desire to ever to return to OZ, thats why they left the household bills.

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If you leave without paying then it is likely your landlord will be become liable for the bill. You might even up saying goodbye to your deposit on the house if they reslise before returning the deposit. If this is likely to be less than the cost of the bill then maybe it's worth it, but I wouldn't condone it. If the bill has significantly increased since a change in meter I would have been investigating if the meter was faulty but I guess it's probably a bit late for this now.

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A pearl of wisdom from another thread :wacko: .....................if you can afford to return to the UK, you can afford to pay your bills................Oh!...................and that travelling you were going to do before you left is out the window too! ......................on yer bike pal, and make sure it's got a dynamo:tongue:

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That's true. Its just like shoplifting. Everyone else pays for it through higher prices.

So blobby if you do a runner, all of us will be paying your unpaid bill on your behalf.


I'm assuming you wouldn't steal from a shop. This is not that different I suppose. Every one else ends up paying for it.

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I wouldn't normally condone leaving bills unpaid, but after our electricity company messed us about for a whole year after we got solar panels, seemingly unable to switch us on to the solar tariff and leaving us without a bill for a year, I was a little less caring of them. Then after they finally managed to put us on the correct tariff after the Ombudsman got involved, they refused to back-pay us for the electricity that we had been exporting for a year, so I am even less sympathetic towards them.


To be honest, I probably wouldn't do it, but then I am the sort who lies awake at night worrying about this sort of thing. However, I am sure that if I was in the situation that it was either pay the bill or feed my children, I know exactly what I would do, and I certainly wouldn't think any less of someone who was put in a predicament and made that same choice.


And don't you like the way when you sort it out for them, they make out its our fault. Happened to us with the gas no bill for a year, we picked up the error, no thanks nothing, mind you we paid them back on the drip, slow drip.


Blobby maybe a very slow drip may be your answer if you speak with them

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All that waffle regarding paying for someone else's debts is a load of horlicks. Provision for bad debts are already factored into costs of any business, is tax deductible, and certainly wouldn't be removed if everyone paid their bills, which is irrelevant anyway as there will always be someone who doesn't and hence there will always be Provision for Bad Debts.

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On a serious note, I agree with Petals.


Get in touch with the electricity company and explain that your bill has tripled. It could be that the smart meter is over-reading, so ask them to compare usage before and after. If there's a fault then it might be resolvable in your favour. But if you're running electric for heating and water instead of the wood stove that might explain the rise.

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Guest The Pom Queen
It's a capital offence, mate.


You're for the electric chair, and they'll charge you for the juice used. :biggrin:


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And don't you like the way when you sort it out for them, they make out its our fault. Happened to us with the gas no bill for a year, we picked up the error, no thanks nothing, mind you we paid them back on the drip, slow drip.




The Ombudsman said that they had to give us the same length of time to pay the bill (of $2700) that they had not provided a bill for, so a year. OH spoke to them and agreed to pay it off in smaller sums, but we got a demand from them. We were so sick and tired of speaking to them in the end that we paid it all off and are now looking around for a better company to use. If there is one...!


I think the most annoying thing was, that when OH was on the phone to them one day trying to sort it out (for about the hundredth time), the operator that had been speaking to him thought that OH was on hold and that he was speaking to his supervisor, and called OH an expletive! I just heard OH shout "Do you realise that you are still on the phone to the customer!" down the phone, must have been pretty bad because other than that and one other time, I have never heard him shout at anyone in 14 years!

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Spare me the lecture if you will.


I'm not going to make excuses or insist and protest that underneath it all I am always honest but have been driven to action by circumstances beyond my control: let me make one thing clear, when it comes to the moral principle of not paying electricity companies I could not give a toss.


I think it's easier to get out of Australia leaving the least amount of carnage behind possible however.


But has anyone left without paying an electric bill?


What happened?


Oh, I cant resist it.........I will explain.....


Bill has increased 300% since a smartmeter appeared. We are on a rate that means we can only afford to use electric when we are asleep. The walls are paper thin and the landlord refuses to fix the wood heater.


We have a $1300 bill for 3 months and another one for 2 months about to land on the mat.......


Anyone out there done a runner????

This is one to decide for yourself


You know your own circumstances


I wouldn't condone it myself but it's up to you if you do it


After the last thread on debt well I'm actually surprised you even posted this here


I'm gonna pull up a chair and watch this thread grow lol

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