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so over seeing stabbings, knife attacks, shootings!

Wellers and Whitehead

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There was a lot of unwanton damage and destruction but my take on it anyone could have been present without fear of personal safety. Providing not doing something silly like filming those participating..naturally.


Tell that to the people who were in the buildings set on fire! And to those who had their businesses destroyed!

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Guest chris955
It was hardly a one off incident as it took place in multiple cities over the space of a week. And i wouldn't be surprised to see more incidents like this in the future. The UK has a large gang culture and that is a problem on the increase not decrease. I have yet to see gangs of 30 plus kids hanging around street corners harrasing people that walk by etc here. I am sure it would be on the news if it was common as in Perth they report on Cats being rescued out of trees.Both countries have their problems but as the UK is more dense if you live in the big cities the bad estates are never far away. Oz is more spread out so you tend to be further away from the dodgy areas.

OMG, I cant believe you emphasise gang culture in the UK and seemingly dismiss it as insignificant in Australia. Would you call the GANGS of 100 plus kids invading parties and destroying property and fighting with Police a problem or not ?

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It was hardly a one off incident as it took place in multiple cities over the space of a week. And i wouldn't be surprised to see more incidents like this in the future. The UK has a large gang culture and that is a problem on the increase not decrease. I have yet to see gangs of 30 plus kids hanging around street corners harrasing people that walk by etc here. I am sure it would be on the news if it was common as in Perth they report on Cats being rescued out of trees.Both countries have their problems but as the UK is more dense if you live in the big cities the bad estates are never far away. Oz is more spread out so you tend to be further away from the dodgy areas.


Perth reports a lot of crime news. Too much at times at the expense of other things. Perth has a very different style.Here the yobs are mobile. A bit boring standing around corners in Perth's sprawling urban environment..even for the most determined gang. Groups of sorts gather in the city..often moved on. More an issue in the bigger cities of course.

I don't think gangs are an issue as such in Perth,but plenty and aggro undesirables around...be they solo or in groups who are all out for bother.

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OMG, I cant believe you emphasise gang culture in the UK and seemingly dismiss it as insignificant in Australia. Would you call the GANGS of 100 plus kids invading parties and destroying property and fighting with Police a problem or not ?


I doubt if they are gangs as such. More groups of bored young tanked up on juice and often drugs of some sort full of bravado.....

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Guest chris955
I doubt if they are gangs as such. More groups of bored young tanked up on juice and often drugs of some sort full of bravado.....

Yes I used gang because of the use of the word to describe a gang on 30 kids standing on a corner hassling people. I doubt either group would be a gang. Im just not sure why some seem unwilling or unable to believe it happens everywhere, even Perth LOL

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Guest chris955
That's more to do with some daft kid advertising that their parents are away and they are having a party of facebook. I seem to remember that happening in the UK as well and i am sure there was one in Holland last week where 3000 kids turned up.

But nobody is saying it doesnt happen elsewhere ??

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Guest chris955
You implied that it happens all the time in oz and that it is gang related lol!

No, I didnt. I said a group of 100 kids going on the rampage was a gang and it is actually pretty common and no laughing matter thats for sure.

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Guest chris955
Loads if gangs in oz, who use guns and rifles to kill other gangs, just google it.

Gangs are a huge issue in Australia, as they are elsewhere.

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Guest chris955
Better lock the doors! And stay indoors at night! I thought i moved to Perth not Rio de Janeiro

I have never been afraid to go out at night anywhere to be honest but locking doors in this day and age is just commonsense. Im not sure I have seen anyone make any such comparison.

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Guest chris955
Well you have been talking about gangs running amok and gangs of over 100 kids regularly crashing parties. if you didn't say where you were i would think you were in Rio. But you say that 1000's of kids burning buildings in London is ok cos it was a one off. LOL

I have no control over you wanting to exaggerate things and compare Perth to Rio, that is down to you.

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Yeh the trains at night seem to be nasty..Colleages friend was set on by a grout of youths at night..nobody else in the carriage. They asked for his money, which he gave them, then beat him up and stabbed him, same girl had another friend who went to stop a nasty situation in the street, when he for attacked, beaten and stabbed 3 times, so his mate tried to help and he got beaten up. Guess what..they got a good behaviour bond!!


I would consider moving somewhere else if it is bothering you this much. There are lots of nice little country type towns in Aus that you might like a bit better than sydney

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I would consider moving somewhere else if it is bothering you this much.

There are lots of nice little country type towns in Aus that you might like a bit better than sydney


It has always been Sydney for me since I was 6. Never noticed the violence as much..didn't work in that area on whv etc. I live an hour out of the city, in a nice area (still has its issues) but couldn't move any further out as can't drive, so reliant upon public transport to and from work.

I have definitely noticed it more, after living here.

I get very frustrated by the appalling 'justice' system that I have experienced. U can't help how u feel based on your own experiences.

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Guest chris955

I love seeing the thanks received for some posts, the comment could be blah zippity and as long as it was considered to be on the correct side of the debate it would receive alike from a certain member, funny as hell, sort of like being back at school :)

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I love seeing the thanks received for some posts, the comment could be blah zippity and as long as it was considered to be on the correct side of the debate it would receive alike from a certain member, funny as hell, sort of like being back at school :)


Perhaps some people simply agree with some posts and not others? Nothing odd about that IMO

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Guest The Pom Queen
I love seeing the thanks received for some posts, the comment could be blah zippity and as long as it was considered to be on the correct side of the debate it would receive alike from a certain member, funny as hell, sort of like being back at school :)

Excuse me but I liked that post and I dont sit on any fence. It's common sense if you are concerned about an area you live so much then you need to consider moving.

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Pablo, I know the President of one of the biggest bike gangs in Adelaide, its a rough place. Just avoid Elizabeth :wink:


Yeah,ive heard its supposed to be rough,but tbh i grew up in Huyton in Liverpool,dont think it will be much worse ,i'm one of those that if told not to go somewhere i go,done it Holland,Hamburg,Istanbul,rasta clubs in Walsall where i was the only white face,and ive had no problems,had a ball in fact,no offence,BUT,i always find out for meself tbh

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I love seeing the thanks received for some posts, the comment could be blah zippity and as long as it was considered to be on the correct side of the debate it would receive alike from a certain member, funny as hell, sort of like being back at school :)


Explain pls? you mean if its pro Aus it gets a "like"?

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