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so over seeing stabbings, knife attacks, shootings!

Wellers and Whitehead

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Guest chris955
I think you'll find I was more right in saying they were about the same. And it was less inflammatory



EDIT: This is such a pointless thing to get in a UK vs Oz fest on........a bit like arguing in which country English is more widely spoken or where you are more likely to be able to buy a newspaper

Sorry I was replying to the post above yours.

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excuses??! No idea what you are talking about? Whinging? Because I an sick of seeing shootings, stabbings daily. In my book that isn't whinging that is stating a fact.


I'm 64 years old and have lived in many parts of Australia (and for short periods of time in other parts of the world) including Sydney for several years and in all that time I have never seen a stabbing, shooting or beating anywhere.....guess I'm just lucky.


Sorry...saw shootings in Vietnam in 1969 but maybe that doesn't count

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Guest The Pom Queen

Ok stepping in as Admin here, please let's stop getting personal. Obviously we have a forum here for English moving or living in Australia so we are bound to compare the two countries, we are fine with that but when it turns personal that's a different matter.

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Guest The Pom Queen
I'm 64 years old and have lived in many parts of Australia (and for short periods of time in other parts of the world) including Sydney for several years and in all that time I have never seen a stabbing, shooting or beating anywhere.....guess I'm just lucky.

You just aren't hanging around in the right places :no:

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Guest The Pom Queen
Dunno...I've hung around quite a few dodgy places all around the world...guess i must walk around with my eyes shut.

Maybe you need to take that mask off you have on in your avatar, you will be able to see a little better then :tongue:

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Guest The Pom Queen
perhaps I could use the Laser Target Designator in my old machine...it sees practically everything :tongue:

I want one of them for spotting the wildlife in the rainforest behind.

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Here we go again...Yawn..... someone attempts to have a healthy debate about something quite serious (shock horror it appears Oz is not crime free), and then comes all the defensive posts. Why? I just don't get it. I think some people would literally need to see someone stabbed to death, decapitated or whatever else in front of their very eyes to say ok it does happen here in Australia??? Why don't people just accept it for god's sake???? I think denial is a crime in itself as it points to a refusal to accept it goes on. Sorry but some people posts on here are just full of, well you know what.

And for the record, Australia does have a very high unsolved murder rate and the highest rates of mental illness in the western world, but I'm sure someone will be along to tell me I'm talking crap or being a whinging pom.

Incidently when we were in Adelaide, a young girl was found in the river minus her head! Nice... and it wasn't even on the news, but then what's the good anyway when people simply refuse to believe it happens there.....

Wish there was a bucket of sand with someone's head stuck in it icon...

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Why does it bother people?


I'm with Pablo on this one - it generally doesn't effect most people, even if you do something silly. I've done some very silly things in some pretty hairy places in my time and only once has it ever bitten me on the arse, and I talked my way out of it with no damage done.


I've just come back from a home invasion where a woman was pretty badly beaten - but I'm 99.99% sure it wasn't random and when I go back home tomorrow morning (less than a mile from this incident) I won't give it a second thought or be scared for me and my family.


As others have said the news can be distorted in Australia as probably more TV news programmes than the UK with not only 1/3 the population but the fact that it appears (from watching 7,9,10 and reading the papers, I accept ABC & SBS are different) that people don't even want to hear about news from other states let alone international news so they need to be more sensationalist (is that a word?) about local news.


I think you need to be pretty unlucky in either country to be a random victim of crime. That's not to say it doesn't happen - of course it does - but it wouldn't put me off living anywhere.

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It has always been Sydney for me since I was 6. Never noticed the violence as much..didn't work in that area on whv etc. I live an hour out of the city, in a nice area (still has its issues) but couldn't move any further out as can't drive, so reliant upon public transport to and from work.

I have definitely noticed it more, after living here.

I get very frustrated by the appalling 'justice' system that I have experienced. U can't help how u feel based on your own experiences.


Sydney has changed so much though since you were 6. I think we may be around the same age and I remember a very different Sydney back then. God where I grew up you used to be able to drive from campbelltown to narellan at 80kph without any lights or roundabouts. Camden didn't even have a mcdonalds, it does now. Still only roundabouts in Camden but narellan rd is a parking lot some or most nights and there are traffic lights everywhere.


Of course you will notice things more when you live somewhere, you see it every day, the excitement of holidays etc is gone.


Again, with sincerity, I would say if it gets to. You this much then maybe you have chosen the wrong place to live. You are in the child services field? Or something like that? There would be plenty of other places for you to move and still find work.


Try to not let it get to you, easier said than done I know but you can only do your little bit, that you obviously are doing.

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Go to Johannesburg apparently you have an 80% chance of being mugged or attacked there.


Really, says who?


Every time you go there? Or an 80% chance that if you live there for a whole lifetime that you'll be a victim of crime?


I personally have a thing where I never believe any statistic that is 80% or 20% - because they're such lovely round numbers I always assume they're plucked from someone's arse.


Look, it's a dangerous city, no denying that, but I must be teflon man because I've been there a few times and had no dramas. That 80% figure sounds like bollocks to me.

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Just something I read on a forum, was probably made up. Puts me off going though.


S.A has lots of iffy places for sure,like loads of countries,but remember the scare mongering by the british press before the world cup?

So much as put yer swede outside your hotel bedroom window and someone will "rubber necklace"yer.

Load of rhubarb in the end,but people let it put them off.

I was told "not" to drink in St Pauli(the docks)in Hamburg,i was determined to go then,superb night!(except for all the juke boxes being full of Englebert Humperdink songs,WTF!!:twitcy:)


The best places to go are off the tourist route,thats in any place,and btw i'm talking about meeting characters/the real locals,not about seeing X catherdral or visiting X museum,the locals of a place are what gives me my "culture" fix,not buildings.


Always done the same,found out for meself,in various cities that is,up to now what i was told to expect was the opposite to what happened

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Most recent figures for the UK (released July) are at about 0.95. Just sayin'


Oh well, I'll have to stay right here...Tasmania's rate is 0.8:wink:

Interesting that Australia's homicide rate has almost halved in the last 20 years..

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I've just come back from a home invasion where a woman was pretty badly beaten - but I'm 99.99% sure it wasn't random and when I go back home tomorrow morning (less than a mile from this incident) I won't give it a second thought or be scared for me and my family.


As others have said the news can be distorted in Australia as probably more TV news programmes than the UK with not only 1/3 the population but the fact that it appears (from watching 7,9,10 and reading the papers, I accept ABC & SBS are different) that people don't even want to hear about news from other states let alone international news so they need to be more sensationalist (is that a word?) about local news.


I think you need to be pretty unlucky in either country to be a random victim of crime. That's not to say it doesn't happen - of course it does - but it wouldn't put me off living anywhere.


Thoroughly agree with you, RL. In my 60+ years in Oz I've only ever experienced crime once - an attempted (unsuccessful) break in in 1987.

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Try using town/city and you might actually get some semblance of reality. As someone who moved for the (almost) centre of Blackpool, to the outer suburbs of brisbane, there is a huge difference and "luck" doesn't enter into it..............location, location, location as the real estate folk say.......................burgled 3 times in the last 12 months in Blackpool, and only been "egged" in 17 yrears of Brizzy living.

This isit...mugged twice in my life and both times In Perth, every one has different experiences.

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Oh well, I'll have to stay right here...Tasmania's rate is 0.8:wink:

Interesting that Australia's homicide rate has almost halved in the last 20 years..


That's 'cause Poms dont whinge as much as they used to and aren't getting throttled as often.

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