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so over seeing stabbings, knife attacks, shootings!

Wellers and Whitehead

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We go to the Southbank side, but never seen trouble there, ever. We often go on a friday night whislt the kids play on the beach and visit the market, is so quiet and peacful there and full of families, we love it...

Maybe its different on the other side of the bridge?

So just a quiet night in Brisbane then ? ;)
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S.A has lots of iffy places for sure,like loads of countries,but remember the scare mongering by the british press before the world cup?

So much as put yer swede outside your hotel bedroom window and someone will "rubber necklace"yer.

Load of rhubarb in the end,but people let it put them off.

I was told "not" to drink in St Pauli(the docks)in Hamburg,i was determined to go then,superb night!(except for all the juke boxes being full of Englebert Humperdink songs,WTF!!:twitcy:)


The best places to go are off the tourist route,thats in any place,and btw i'm talking about meeting characters/the real locals,not about seeing X catherdral or visiting X museum,the locals of a place are what gives me my "culture" fix,not buildings.


Always done the same,found out for meself,in various cities that is,up to now what i was told to expect was the opposite to what happened


This post should get a thousand recommends. Totally chimes with all of my experience of life - the most fun you can have is when others are too scared of getting in amongst it off the beaten track, and the vast, vast majority of people everywhere in the world are lovely, welcoming people who are a pleasure to be around. My only caveat is to avoid big crowds (demonstrations etc.) as they are very unpredictable but everything else - go for it!


A story to illustrate the point. Basra, July / August 2004. City is locked down, only us Infantry are allowed out of camp to patrol and my platoon is in charge of shutting down an Engineer base that's been under constant attack and escorting all the sappers back to the main base. Anyway there's a troop of Kiwi sappers there that's come to the end of their 6 month tour and are off back to NZ. For the last 2 months of their tour they've been stuck on base doing nothing and haven't had a chance to see a children's hospital in north Basra that they'd rebuilt get up and running.


The troop commander is female (and not unattractive) and she begs me to take her to the hospital. All my blokes want to do it "she fancies you boss, how can we not go" etc etc. but the Engineers Int Offr and Ops Offr tell me this part of north Basra is the worst of the worst, Sunni neighbourhood, no-go area. "your choice but I really wouldn't go there, you're guaranteed a contact"


Anyway I decide to go but we go as a full platoon (normally we worked as multiples, 12/13 blokes), really detailed O-group beforehand, take 5 Kiwis with us. Get to the hospital and I get my blokes set up in all round defense and they're in very agressive posture, all in fire positions, mutual defence etc. everyone's very on edge and me, my rad op and driver go into the hospital as CP for the Kiwis.


The hospital staff are delighted to see us then over the radio I get "boss, loads of blokes have come onto the street, theres a couple of guys on bikes with boxes on the back riding straight for us" So I say, challenge them, be carefull.


Turns out the boxes were Eskys full of Fanta and the blokes had come out to hand it round my guys. As I finish up at the hospital the head honcho of the area meets me outside and invites me into his house (a couple of doors down) and we sit in his beautiful garden drinking Fanta and eating dates and sugared almonds. All the kids are playing football with my blokes and everyone's asking why they've not seen any troops in over 2 months.


Shows how great Intelligence is !!!

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I'm 64 years old and have lived in many parts of Australia (and for short periods of time in other parts of the world) including Sydney for several years and in all that time I have never seen a stabbing, shooting or beating anywhere...


Me neither. Glad I live such a boring life! :wubclub:

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I thought the recent bali anniversary was a classic example, flying reporting crews out to report live. I thought it was disrespectful tbh


Disrespectful???? 202 people died, including 88 Australians, in an attack which was deliberately targetted at Westerners in general and Australians in particular. There were at least 4 Australian hospitals heavily involved in caring for the injured for months afterwards.

Why shouldn't the media report live on the 10th anniversary?

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I have never witnessed a shooting or stabbing in twenty years in London either. But violence in the form of bashings in both places. Big difference being of course in London we are generally more in the mix of it all.Using public transport far more often, I believe folk are out and about far more than here on the street level and with more folk there is potential to pose more danger.

In Australia folk are more cacooned as a rule. They drive everywhere. Don't spend as much time on the street and often live in quiet streets in quiet suburbs.....hence the chances of witnessing aggro is somewhat deminished to an extent.

If folk avail themselves to late night public transport or late night walks in city centres and surronds, which in other countries is rather normal to do,they may witness a whole other side of the story.

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I have never witnessed a shooting or stabbing in twenty years in London either. But violence in the form of bashings in both places. Big difference being of course in London we are generally more in the mix of it all.Using public transport far more often, I believe folk are out and about far more than here on the street level and with more folk there is potential to pose more danger.

In Australia folk are more cacooned as a rule. They drive everywhere. Don't spend as much time on the street and often live in quiet streets in quiet suburbs.....hence the chances of witnessing aggro is somewhat deminished to an extent.

If folk avail themselves to late night public transport or late night walks in city centres and surronds, which in other countries is rather normal to do,they may witness a whole other side of the story.


Nail on head. The ability to escape to the suburbs here meant we weren't "in the thick of it" like we were in Blackpool. Aggro seemed to be everywhere 17 yrs ago, and there just wasn't anywhere to "run to" other than away from the town altogether. Even some of the burbs here have problems though. What Australia offered us was a chance to start again and pick where we did it. No doubt we could have done that in the UK if we moved near the in-laws near Looe, cornwall, but at the time, we just couldn't afford it, bearing in mind how far my wife would have to travel to work and the cost of housing.

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Perth reports a lot of crime news. Too much at times at the expense of other things. Perth has a very different style.Here the yobs are mobile. A bit boring standing around corners in Perth's sprawling urban environment..even for the most determined gang. Groups of sorts gather in the city..often moved on. More an issue in the bigger cities of course.

I don't think gangs are an issue as such in Perth,but plenty and aggro undesirables around...be they solo or in groups who are all out for bother.


A problem that has only come to light in the last couple of years is the African gangs trying to stake a claim on areas. I saw one incident on the news last year where black gangs were fighting each other in Scarborough, the police were called and the news reports showed guys doing burnouts, abusing police and throwing bottles at the police. No arrests were made. At the time I wondered why as it was obvious that there was arrestable behavior happening, just thought the police either couldn't be bothered with the paperwork or they decided it wasn't worth the effort and expense as the offenders would only get a slap on the wrist or get a fine which they probably wouldn't pay.


I also thought if they didn't nip it in the bud they are going to have more problems. A couple of weekends ago we had a long weekend it was hot and guess what, more trouble at Scarborough involving the same African gangs. There has also been trouble in Perth City where there beginning to cause problems.


This weekend a party got gate crashed in Balga (when I saw it was Balga and the pictures of the gate crashers I was hardly surprised) but again, no arrests made.


If the cops don't start making a few arrests it just sends a message that they aren't going to bother and leaves the idiots free to do it again the following weekend. I know it's a tough call and the cops must be well peed off when the court cases come up and they get let off time and time again. Expensive too I would imagine.

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shooting in my area today was thinking of going to coles in that general direction but decided against it (i didnt know at the time). I live in SW Sydney and it is pretty violent to be honest when I moved at the start of the year due to high number of shootings I wanted to move out of the area as soon as the lease was up but have got use to it and touch wood have not seen or had any direct involvement.


I was working in Holsworthy recently and went for lunch in Liverpool. I was working with an Australian ex-forces guy and he asked me if I could live there. I said no way and he felt the same. There was a drive by shooting the week we were there and it all started because a couple of older guys were having an argument about Syria, one of the older guys got slapped and hours later the son came back with some friends and shot up someones house. They had the wrong house too and caused some innocent old guy to have a heart attack. It's certainly a different world over there.

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A problem that has only come to light in the last couple of years is the African gangs trying to stake a claim on areas. I saw one incident on the news last year where black gangs were fighting each other in Scarborough, the police were called and the news reports showed guys doing burnouts, abusing police and throwing bottles at the police. No arrests were made. At the time I wondered why as it was obvious that there was arrestable behavior happening, just thought the police either couldn't be bothered with the paperwork or they decided it wasn't worth the effort and expense as the offenders would only get a slap on the wrist or get a fine which they probably wouldn't pay.


I also thought if they didn't nip it in the bud they are going to have more problems. A couple of weekends ago we had a long weekend it was hot and guess what, more trouble at Scarborough involving the same African gangs. There has also been trouble in Perth City where there beginning to cause problems.


This weekend a party got gate crashed in Balga (when I saw it was Balga and the pictures of the gate crashers I was hardly surprised) but again, no arrests made.


If the cops don't start making a few arrests it just sends a message that they aren't going to bother and leaves the idiots free to do it again the following weekend. I know it's a tough call and the cops must be well peed off when the court cases come up and they get let off time and time again. Expensive too I would imagine.


I was at Mirrabooka shopping centre several years back and witnessed a white guy around forty yelling abuse at a group of abour six young Africans. They ignored him,it was early days of African installment in the area and I suspect they were recently arrived ....recall saying to my OH at the time that they wouldn't accept being treated like that in a few more years........seems to have come the full circle. Many have adopted the gangsta culture which doesn't help.


For a smallish community though a number of the younger don't appear to be behaving well......

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Every day, in Sydney and other states at least one stabbing, shooting, knife attack, king hit makes the headlines. And those are the ones that make the headlines!


Oh 'eck...


Human smuggling, human trafficking and the illegal drug trade have all impacted Australia in recent years.[1] Australia has a much lower violent crime rate than some other developed nations, such as the United States and the United Kingdom.[2]


Extract from Wiki...





Cheers, Bobj.

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I've been thinking the same recently. Wake up at 6am listening to Sydney 702. Every day there is a new shooting, stabbing, drive by etc. Usually out West of course. Its a worry, but as some have said, its still unusual enough to make the headlines...at least, that is how I try and rationalise it.


I remember some poor bloke having his head severed in Glasgow close to where I used to work. There is shocking stuff going on everywhere. Truly unbelievable the state people get themselves into with drugs and wotnot. Makes me think of the South American lad whose death is in the papers at the moment.



Every day, in Sydney and other states at least one stabbing, shooting, knife attack, king hit makes the headlines. And those are the ones that make the headlines!
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