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Leaving on a high


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We have seen an amazing side of Australia and Australians in the past few weeks. As it we have let people know we are leaving, all sorts of things have gone on.


My older son's pre-school let him attend the first 4 weeks of term free of charge and on his last day last week they threw a rainbow party for him. All the children brought fruit in and they made the whole day about him! Loads of kids brought him presents and cards and were all so friendly to all of us.


Both Mrs Blobby and my work have been wonderful as we have been finishing off our shifts, people have said the nicest things to us.


We have had neighbours upset that we are going, people insisting on nights out to say goodbye, people offering accommodation while our stuff is being packed....


Finally, how about this.......


Since we arrived here we have put stuff we did not need outside the house for people to pick up, its an excellent recycling process here in Australia. I decided to conduct a social experiment. I put my sons bike out there and put a note on there to say $10, please put money in our mailbox (incidently its an old bike and we will buy him another!!!!). I wondered if anyone would just take the bike or whether the money would be given....


The bike was taken and the money was popped in the mailbox. Next I put a lawnmower out there and asked for $30, then a kids bike seat $40 and a stairgate $70. EVERY TIME the stuff was taken and the money was deposited. Such amazing honesty, it warms the heart!! It would have been very easy to have just stolen it, or knocked on the door and haggled....



Finally, sorry Harpodom, I been working every night for a week to save money and had a few issues with my personal messaging so could not mail you to say I would not make the night out.......



So, 4 days left, nearly finished work....then a 6 week holiday......its great to be leaving on a high like this, seeing things in a different light.

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What a fantastic post Mr Blobby and what a very interesting experiment you carried out with getting rid of stuff you didn't want. I might try that too if we have anything left. Have a wonderful holiday and enjoy your last weeks in Australia.

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Guest Guest16631

............it's great to hear ................to leave with such good memories and experiences..................best of luck in your new life.........tink x

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We have seen an amazing side of Australia and Australians in the past few weeks. As it we have let people know we are leaving, all sorts of things have gone on.


My older son's pre-school let him attend the first 4 weeks of term free of charge and on his last day last week they threw a rainbow party for him. All the children brought fruit in and they made the whole day about him! Loads of kids brought him presents and cards and were all so friendly to all of us.


Both Mrs Blobby and my work have been wonderful as we have been finishing off our shifts, people have said the nicest things to us.


We have had neighbours upset that we are going, people insisting on nights out to say goodbye, people offering accommodation while our stuff is being packed....


Finally, how about this.......


Since we arrived here we have put stuff we did not need outside the house for people to pick up, its an excellent recycling process here in Australia. I decided to conduct a social experiment. I put my sons bike out there and put a note on there to say $10, please put money in our mailbox (incidently its an old bike and we will buy him another!!!!). I wondered if anyone would just take the bike or whether the money would be given....


The bike was taken and the money was popped in the mailbox. Next I put a lawnmower out there and asked for $30, then a kids bike seat $40 and a stairgate $70. EVERY TIME the stuff was taken and the money was deposited. Such amazing honesty, it warms the heart!! It would have been very easy to have just stolen it, or knocked on the door and haggled....



Finally, sorry Harpodom, I been working every night for a week to save money and had a few issues with my personal messaging so could not mail you to say I would not make the night out.......



So, 4 days left, nearly finished work....then a 6 week holiday......its great to be leaving on a high like this, seeing things in a different light.



Lovely, people are nice, its the busy world we live in now where everyone seems to be in such a hurry we do not stop to smell the roses. When we do stop as has happened with you leaving realisation is that we are important in others lives just the watering can is not used often enough.


We have lots of honesty things going on around where i live, manure, fruit, veg etc. No problems and if there are problems hate to say this but its usually people from the city who are not used to the way things are done on the fringe.


Hope you have a good trip back to UK we will keep some sunshine for you in case you return

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Guest chris955

Glad to hear you can leave after having a good experience, it puts you in a good frame of mind for the future, good luck with it all.


Petals, there is a house just up the road from us and there is always a large amount of building materials outside, hinges, door handles that sort of thing. Because we are doing our house up I am often up there picking bits and pieces up. One day I was browsing and a bloke pulled up and had picked a few things and asked me where he had to pay, I told him he just puts the money in the honesty box and he thought I was joking, he was from Birmingham. It is amazing how different things are between the city and country. Sorry to go off topic but your post reminded me of that.

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A friend of mine did an experiment in the uk. His washing machine had broken down and needed to be replaced. The place where he bought the new one from did delivery, but would not take the old one, so my mate wrapped the old one in the packaging from the new one and put it on his driveway. He had to go nto town or something and thiught he would take it to the dump when he got back.


No need!! Somebody had thought it was a new machine being delivered and had nicked it.

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Good post mate. Good to see you are seeing the good side of what Aus has to offer as well. I think sometimes when you have made decisions, like you guys have to go home, you enjoy your remaining time more, as the normal pressures/stresses aren't there. Enjoy you holiday.


We have seen an amazing side of Australia and Australians in the past few weeks. As it we have let people know we are leaving, all sorts of things have gone on.


My older son's pre-school let him attend the first 4 weeks of term free of charge and on his last day last week they threw a rainbow party for him. All the children brought fruit in and they made the whole day about him! Loads of kids brought him presents and cards and were all so friendly to all of us.


Both Mrs Blobby and my work have been wonderful as we have been finishing off our shifts, people have said the nicest things to us.


We have had neighbours upset that we are going, people insisting on nights out to say goodbye, people offering accommodation while our stuff is being packed....


Finally, how about this.......


Since we arrived here we have put stuff we did not need outside the house for people to pick up, its an excellent recycling process here in Australia. I decided to conduct a social experiment. I put my sons bike out there and put a note on there to say $10, please put money in our mailbox (incidently its an old bike and we will buy him another!!!!). I wondered if anyone would just take the bike or whether the money would be given....


The bike was taken and the money was popped in the mailbox. Next I put a lawnmower out there and asked for $30, then a kids bike seat $40 and a stairgate $70. EVERY TIME the stuff was taken and the money was deposited. Such amazing honesty, it warms the heart!! It would have been very easy to have just stolen it, or knocked on the door and haggled....



Finally, sorry Harpodom, I been working every night for a week to save money and had a few issues with my personal messaging so could not mail you to say I would not make the night out.......



So, 4 days left, nearly finished work....then a 6 week holiday......its great to be leaving on a high like this, seeing things in a different light.

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Guest guest74886
We have seen an amazing side of Australia and Australians in the past few weeks. As it we have let people know we are leaving, all sorts of things have gone on.


My older son's pre-school let him attend the first 4 weeks of term free of charge and on his last day last week they threw a rainbow party for him. All the children brought fruit in and they made the whole day about him! Loads of kids brought him presents and cards and were all so friendly to all of us.


Both Mrs Blobby and my work have been wonderful as we have been finishing off our shifts, people have said the nicest things to us.


We have had neighbours upset that we are going, people insisting on nights out to say goodbye, people offering accommodation while our stuff is being packed....


Finally, how about this.......


Since we arrived here we have put stuff we did not need outside the house for people to pick up, its an excellent recycling process here in Australia. I decided to conduct a social experiment. I put my sons bike out there and put a note on there to say $10, please put money in our mailbox (incidently its an old bike and we will buy him another!!!!). I wondered if anyone would just take the bike or whether the money would be given....


The bike was taken and the money was popped in the mailbox. Next I put a lawnmower out there and asked for $30, then a kids bike seat $40 and a stairgate $70. EVERY TIME the stuff was taken and the money was deposited. Such amazing honesty, it warms the heart!! It would have been very easy to have just stolen it, or knocked on the door and haggled....



Finally, sorry Harpodom, I been working every night for a week to save money and had a few issues with my personal messaging so could not mail you to say I would not make the night out.......



So, 4 days left, nearly finished work....then a 6 week holiday......its great to be leaving on a high like this, seeing things in a different light.


Hi to the Blobbies

This is the nicest post I have read and is the thing that I will miss most about Australia it is the honesty and politeness that you experience here, it makes living at the micro level a very pleasant experience, I was just reading on another post about someone in Scotland having their baby car parking space taken whilst trying to get into it by a car with a family with teenagers, an alto often occurrence in the UK from my memory, that kind of thing I never see in my little world of Brisbane and one of the reasons I have fought with myself to try and make it work here in Oz, unfortunately I have a real problem with Australia at the macro level and how I see the Macro level issues affecting peoples attitudes.

But I know that in the next chapter the niceness of the people here will be the most satisfying memory.

We are hoping to be in your position of looking forward to a well earned holiday, before taking up the next challenge, in June next year.:biggrin:

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Hi Mr Blobby:


I'd like to wish you good luck on your return to the UK and hope you all settle in back home very quickly. But I'm curious about why you're leaving Oz, as your post has a pretty positive ring to it? Hope you don't mind me asking, blobby. And while I'm at it, may I ask if you've taken out Citizenship while you've been living in Oz? If not, I do urge you to, because I have a sneaky suspicion you just might want to return - and it would be so much easier to just jump on a plane if you've already got your Aussie passport!


Whatever you do in life, anyway, I wish you the best of everything. x

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Hi Mr Blobby:


I'd like to wish you good luck on your return to the UK and hope you all settle in back home very quickly. But I'm curious about why you're leaving Oz, as your post has a pretty positive ring to it? Hope you don't mind me asking, blobby. And while I'm at it, may I ask if you've taken out Citizenship while you've been living in Oz? If not, I do urge you to, because I have a sneaky suspicion you just might want to return - and it would be so much easier to just jump on a plane if you've already got your Aussie passport!


Whatever you do in life, anyway, I wish you the best of everything. x


Not all people want to get citizenship, I am leaving 4 weeks before I can apply, I really couldn't care less, I will never set foot in this country after I leave and I'm sure Mr Blobby and his family are the same......unless you are living here and understand people in this section of the thread its hard to explain how we feel.

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Not all people want to get citizenship, I am leaving 4 weeks before I can apply, I really couldn't care less, I will never set foot in this country after I leave and I'm sure Mr Blobby and his family are the same......unless you are living here and understand people in this section of the thread its hard to explain how we feel.


I left after meeting the qualifying period for application, but couldn't face the additional time that it would take - but once I had decide to leave that was it and like you say, I've got no intentions of going back: for me, life in the UK is good and I appreciate the UK much more now. Most of the people that I know that were hanging on for PR or citizenship were from South Africa or Zimbabwe and were planning on going back to see how it was - PR or citizenship was their safety net.


Good luck Blobby (and you too Julz)

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Guest chris955
A friend of mine did an experiment in the uk. His washing machine had broken down and needed to be replaced. The place where he bought the new one from did delivery, but would not take the old one, so my mate wrapped the old one in the packaging from the new one and put it on his driveway. He had to go nto town or something and thiught he would take it to the dump when he got back.


No need!! Somebody had thought it was a new machine being delivered and had nicked it.


OK and your point is what ?

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Not all people want to get citizenship, I am leaving 4 weeks before I can apply, I really couldn't care less, I will never set foot in this country after I leave and I'm sure Mr Blobby and his family are the same......unless you are living here and understand people in this section of the thread its hard to explain how we feel.


Hi Julz:


Far more people than you realise live to regret not becoming Citizens when they had the chance, because they changed their opinions of Oz after they'd returned to the UK. There are plenty of people on this forum who've lived to regret it (some as early as the day they landed, believe it or not!); some even after being back for years.


I speak from experience and understand only too well ...


I truly wish you all well, wherever Life takes you. x

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Hi Mr Blobby:


I'd like to wish you good luck on your return to the UK and hope you all settle in back home very quickly. But I'm curious about why you're leaving Oz, as your post has a pretty positive ring to it? Hope you don't mind me asking, blobby. And while I'm at it, may I ask if you've taken out Citizenship while you've been living in Oz? If not, I do urge you to, because I have a sneaky suspicion you just might want to return - and it would be so much easier to just jump on a plane if you've already got your Aussie passport!


Whatever you do in life, anyway, I wish you the best of everything. x


Haha, thank you, but have a read of most of my other posts and you wont worry about us returning!!


But its been great to see a positive side of things and we are about to see some amazing stuff in the next 6 weeks, but England is definitely where we belong!

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Does this mean Melbourne now has a Eau De Parfum rather than the Eau De Toilet


Ha! Although this was Torquay, perhaps we should pop back to Melbourne for a year to carry on the experiment....


Its easy to see the crap in everything but all that does is make you miserable....the last week has really taught us a lot. We were going to buy Champagne to drink at the airport when we left but we dont want to now! Thats not to say we dont want to leave, we just dont want to celebrate it as its turned out OK really......!!

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Guest The Pom Queen
you don't mind me asking, blobby. And while I'm at it, may I ask if you've taken out Citizenship while you've been living in Oz? If not, I do urge you to, because I have a sneaky suspicion you just might want to return - and it would be so much easier to just jump on a plane if you've already got your Aussie passport!


Whatever you do in life, anyway, I wish you the best of everything. x

This is very true, when families go back they may hate the place with a vengeance but I've seen people struggling to get a visa even though they lived out here with their parents when younger. So if it's only a case of waiting a few months maybe get your children duel citizenship

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