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A typical Day in WA

Que Sera Sera

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It has occured to me quite a few times that a lot of my old friends don't come on here much anymore as they are busy off living their lives enjoying Australia, so maybe people who have never visited here and are in the middle of their visa wait are missing out on some of their more positive experiences. So I just wanted to share my day with you. We woke up to a beautiful cloudless sunny day, so my OH cooked a lovely breakkie on the barbie. We then pottered about doing housework/ gardening then walked the dog to the beach. After we got back we went for a drive down to Dwellingup and South Yunderup where it's gloriously green and pretty with rolling green hills and trees. We stopped at The Clansman pub for a fab Sunday roast dinner. We then drove home and had a lovely swim in our pool and we are now enjoying a wine/beer in front of the telly. Sometimes we forget to describe a normal unremarkable day because its just normal for us. :):wubclub:

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It has occured to me quite a few times that a lot of my old friends don't come on here much anymore as they are busy off living their lives enjoying Australia, so maybe people who have never visited here and are in the middle of their visa wait are missing out on some of their more positive experiences. So I just wanted to share my day with you. We woke up to a beautiful cloudless sunny day, so my OH cooked a lovely breakkie on the barbie. We then pottered about doing housework/ gardening then walked the dog to the beach. After we got back we went for a drive down to Dwellingup and South Yunderup where it's gloriously green and pretty with rolling green hills and trees. We stopped at The Clansman pub for a fab Sunday roast dinner. We then drove home and had a lovely swim in our pool and we are now enjoying a wine/beer in front of the telly. Sometimes we forget to describe a normal unremarkable day because its just normal for us. :):wubclub:


Thanks for that! Its always good to hear what others get up to.


I'll share ours - we don't have kids so probably a different lifestyle.


French toast cooked on the barbie side burner followed by a quick gym visit. A trip to the fruit and veg mart in Southern River to stock up for the week. We decided on a drive out to the Swan Valley, a tasting at Oakover, a tasting plate at Sittella and then some cheese at the Cheese Barrel. Then a drive to Canning Vale to meet friends for a drink at C.Y O'Connors in Piara Waters.


OH is now out watering the lawn, I'm getting the veggies ready for the bbq.


That is a run of the mill Sunday for us.

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Thanks for that! Its always good to hear what others get up to.


I'll share ours - we don't have kids so probably a different lifestyle.


French toast cooked on the barbie side burner followed by a quick gym visit. A trip to the fruit and veg mart in Southern River to stock up for the week. We decided on a drive out to the Swan Valley, a tasting at Oakover, a tasting plate at Sittella and then some cheese at the Cheese Barrel. Then a drive to Canning Vale to meet friends for a drink at C.Y O'Connors in Piara Waters.


OH is now out watering the lawn, I'm getting the veggies ready for the bbq.


That is a run of the mill Sunday for us.


Now see I WAS all content with my day, I now want to swap with you :wink::laugh: Sounds fab.

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It is nice to see an honest account of daily life without the negativity, sounds lovely and just a normal day for you makes me jealous :)

the last time I commented on someone's post who had put a positive description of oz on I got told I had a warped view, there can be a lot of negativity on here so it is good for us ( who have not yet moved ) to see comments from people who are enjoying oz :biggrin:

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Guest guest17301

Good thread Cath...well today I was a bit lazy...having real trouble getting up of a morning lately...I got the lie in after son woke up at 7.40...went back to sleep till 10..then everyone piled back in bed for a cuppa and a cuddle, 12 pm I showered...did some jobs, then went outside put the washing out, hubby got the blowervac out and cleaned up the back garden in preparation for putting the pool up next week..then we sat and had a read, play on the tablet outside in the sun...walked the dog down to the local park, picked daughter up from work...more sitting outside...then went to Coles for picnic food, then we went to an outdoor comedy night at the back of the civic buildings in the ampitheatre....it was actually quite cold so we took blankets, bottle of wine and food, took the kids..now having a cuppa before bed and work in the morning...booo:(

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Guest guest76088

Indeed. I suspect this is true for a lot of people. So who does that leave running the asylum?




It has occured to me quite a few times that a lot of my old friends don't come on here much anymore as they are busy off living their lives enjoying Australia,
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mrs tonyman and 3 of my children were up early to acknowledge Rememberence Day ....i took the twins to shops to change this keyboard as the N wont work and makes it look as though i cant smell......i ended up doing a shop , come home , tended to the chickens ,cooked meals for twins and then meals for girls .........fed mrs t put city on , will cook my t bone steak soon with m,rooms toms , corn and pepper sause....

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

I know I have posted already, but it sounds blooming marvellous, we loved Perth, I can't wait to get there again, it's an incredible place.

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Took the dog to the beach early and played fetch with his ball. Came back and jumped in the pool for a quick one.


Popped ton the shop for a newspaper and a few bits.


Had breakfast with the wife and put her back to bed as she has a stinking cold.


Chilled out on here for a bit and things.


Went to the chemist for the wife and picked up the ingredients for a casserole to cook. Got back and cooked it while enjoying a glass or three.


Later, the dog for another walk on the golf course this time. Watched some tv and off to bed. Should have been flying back to work today, but called the boss to get a couple of days off to help the missus while she is ill.

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Took the dog to the beach early and played fetch with his ball. Came back and jumped in the pool for a quick one.


Popped ton the shop for a newspaper and a few bits.


Had breakfast with the wife and put her back to bed as she has a stinking cold.


Chilled out on here for a bit and things.


Went to the chemist for the wife and picked up the ingredients for a casserole to cook. Got back and cooked it while enjoying a glass or three.


Later, the dog for another walk on the golf course this time. Watched some tv and off to bed. Should have been flying back to work today, but called the boss to get a couple of days off to help the missus while she is ill.

Aw hope Mrs Very Stormy is feeling better soon :wubclub:

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I took my sons out for breakfast - very common thing to do here, and on the way we noticed a sofa sitting on top of a bus stop! It's verge clearance time when everyone just puts out things they don't want in front of their house. Must have needed a few drunk people to hitch it up on to the top of the bus stop. Boys thought it'd be funny to add to it with a small table, TV, plant, rug and light so we drove round a few streets and picked up all those things off verges and went back last night to add to the top of the bus stop! However - someone much have liked the sofa as it has gone! Have now got it all set up out the front of the house with an old chair! It'll be collected today. Good fun.

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Typical Sunday in our house is attempting a lie in, but usually failing so getting up with a cup on tea, bacon and egg sandwiches before getting the new Jamie book out and making a shopping list for the week. It's the week before pay day so going for a cheap shop. Off to Farmer Jacks to do the shop, came in at $120 for the week so not too bad.


Another cup of tea before packing up the Pajero with all things needed for a BBQ and setting off down to Rockingham to meet a group of Poms (and a few token Aussies) for a beachside BBQ. Chilled out in the sun whilst almost getting blown over - 22 degrees and we all had hoodies on!!


Back home for yet another cup of tea, still full from the BBQ so we had some toast for tea and an early night!


Saturday was a bit more interesting - headed to the 4wd show at McCallum Park on the banks of the Swan River, saw lots of exciting things we'd love to buy for the Pajero. Watched a few shows before heading off the long way back - walking the banks of the river down to the Ferry crossing. Hopping on a ferry and treating ourselves to a Burrito at Salsas before running for the bus home. Quick power nap for an hour, showered and changed before heading out to a corporate sponsored VIP event called 'Live at the Quarry'. Free food, free drinks and an act called Tripod. Great night had by all!

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Well my OH was galavanting round Esperance and Albany on his motorbike with his chums. Meanwhile I was still feeling crappy and miserable because of a really bad cold which has now lasted a whole week. So I did washing, hoovering, cleaned the bathroom, which I probably shouldn't have done being ill but it made me feel slightly better psychologically knowing the house was clean. I did manage to drag myself to an outdoor theatre production of South Pacific on Saturday, which was good as it was warm having been 37C during the day. 37C is not nice when you've got a stinking cold! Especially when you can hear the neighbours enjoying the pool and you don't have one!


Cooked a nice roast chook last night which a purple theme, both beetroot and purple carrots, just in time for OH to arrive home having ridden since 6am from Albany. He was tired, dusty, slightly damp but very happy!

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