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Gene for Bowel Cancer


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Hello PIOers


I got news from my Dad the other day, he has been having some check ups for a benign growth and amongst the checks they tested for the bowel cancer gene since most relitives on his side have died of this.


Yep, it came out loud and clear, he also carries the gene. It is not a total surprise with so many cases already, however to have the confirmation is very damning.


Dad is saying I should get to a geneticist to have the tests carried out too.


I realise this is all very sensible, and my chances of developing the disease won't come for a good few years yet, but just wondered if anyone has experience with this type of test and could offer advice in the best way to go about things?


Thanks Cats x

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sorry to hear this cats.....for the past 5 yrs ive been threatening to test for this too as its such a simple home test that can save your life if caught early .......most chemist here sell a home test kit and during March they promote Bowel cancer month , my mate caught it early , simple opp ,now he`s good ........Cats ive alway been lead to believe bowel cancer is more rife in men but i could be wrong ....so please get yourself checked out asasp if you have any concern......

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It's worth asking about


My mum's family has a long history of it too and for the past few years she has been on a programme where they do annual checks. 2 years ago they found pre-cancerous polyps and removed them, no recurrence, all good. Without the checks they probably would have developed into bowel cancer proper.


After that experience I asked about the screening as well but was essentially told to bog off until I'm 50. I know people can/do get it younger but the incidence is way lower, so I guess that's the cut off when they start the check up programme

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I think they have known this for a while now. We had a friend who died a couple of years ago and his brother and father had died of it.


Also another family I know mum got it and they then examined all the children in the family and their young daughter had already developed bowel cancer and it was worse than the mums but fortunately they are well now. Her other children also have the genes but fortunately they had no cancer at that time.


Here in Australia you can buy a bowel cancer test kit from the chemist. Also docs send us off for regular colonostomy examinations.

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Guest Guest16631

............do go to your GP...............if needed they send you for a colonoscopy................and as said earlier if polyps are found these are removed while you are under anaesthetic..............you then return twice a year or more or less frequently depending on the grade of the polyps.........as these are often the first sign ...............but don't be afraid..........it's often when found early one of the most treatable cancers.............diet also plays apart..........eat less fat..........exercise ............so good luck with your finding out,do persevere.............it's worth it for peace of mind.............tink x

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There is a difference between the home test kits and coloniscopies which look for signs of existing disease and genetic screening which looks for a predisposition to develop it later. If genetic screening (which will probably only involve a blood test) indicates a higher risk then you should be offered earlier and more regular physical checks to catch any problems early.

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Guest westwoodc

Hi, I was genetically tested for breast cancer and the result was clear, however at 36 last year I still got it. The genetics team told me, that usually if you have the gene it is passed from the paternal mothers side, and very unuasually the fathers. Im not sure if thats the same with bowel but it may be worth asking? x

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