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Working holiday - this time next year


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Hello people


I've wanted to go to Aus on a whv since my mate did it, about 3 years ago. He only lasted about 7 weeks haha but hopefully i will last a lot longer, what he said about it though and what i've read has made me really want to go and do it. I've been waiting til i finished my apprenticeship, got my NVQ and college completed etc before i started to set any dates, now that they're done, I'm qualified and earning some proper money and I can start to save and plan properly. Originally was going to be going with a mate, but he's decided to go earlier, so i'm going to travel out later n meet him there.


Set myself a target to go around oct-nov 2013, early december at the latest. Hopefully this should give me enough time to save up the cash needed for flights and to support myself enough that I don't need to be working all the time. I mostly want to be travelling around and seeing stuff, taking everything in, and obviously a bit of partying too. Work isn't my main reason for going, so i plan on just doing casual work when my funds start running low (which knowing what i'm like with money will end up with me in work full time ha).


I know its a while off, but i think now i've started this thread it will keep me on the ball with saving etc. Read through a good load of threads on here, and found some good info so far, so hopefully in future this thread will help some people too.


When would people reckon the best time to book flights is?


p.s if anyone was wondering i'm 22, from manchester, wouldn't mind if anyone needs someone to travel with or anything too!

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If you plan on going for at least 1 yr, try and save 5000-7000£ that'll give you plenty of time to get yourself sorted... and take any jobs you can, even if it's within the first month, so you can keep your savings for the fun stuff. When I did it many yrs ago, We lived off our salaries and did the extras ( bungee, skydiving, scubadiving) with our savings

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Might start looking into it soon then. Had a chat with my boss yesterday about it, whether i could have a career break sort of thing. He said there's a chance i could carry on working for them from aus, just take a laptop and email them work. That would be pretty good, just do a couple of days a week and have a steady income. I'd probably still want to do the 3 month specified work though in case i want to stay another year.


You got any sort of plan or just going and seeing what happens?

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If you go at the start of British Summertime i.e. May then you will be getting there for the majority of Aus. Winter lol, unless you go to the NT which is not everyone's cup of tea. My advice is go when it starts to get gloomy in the UK, October/November.


What apprenticeship did you do? Could make your life A LOT easier if you did the "right" one for Oz.

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Yeah that's my plan, about this time next year so oct/nov, december at the latest.


BMS/building controls, was through Trend if that means anything to anyone else ha, just waiting to finish my NVQ but as far as work are concerned i'm qualified. What do you mean about the right one?

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We are heading to Melbourne, chill out for a week or two (been to Oz a couple of times before and know how horrendous the jet lag can be) then just gonna start looking for work out there. Don't want to plan to much ahead :)


Where are you thinking about starting in Australia?

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Cool, might look into getting a flight booked soon, just need to work out when I would have the funds to go. I'm pretty good at saving when i actually try, and have a car that will be getting sold too, so could be earlier than november if i really try.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest c20letvan

am looking to go around october 2013 aswell, travelling alone so would be nice to know a few people before going. message me if you like.

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Hi again, I take it your saving is going well then since your thinking about going earlier! I wish my saving would go better, christmas is ruining it, but at least the flights are booked so thats one thing off my mind. Have you applied for your WHV yet?

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  • 2 months later...

hey all,


i'm planning on travelling to melbourne in October. Have very little info, so looking for as much advice as possible, travelling with my sister who's been before so relying on her haha! I'm from Wirral (near Liverpool) any tips/advice is always welcomed.


goodluck travelling everyone

Kaz x

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  • 3 weeks later...

Im planning my WHV just now.. booking flights to Thailand on 21st December staying there for 2 or 3 weeks..... then onto Melbourne.

Buzzing for it now.. going to Thailand with a few mates but hitting Australia myself. Already got a few mates over there so will be visiting them while on my travels.


anyone looking to meet up give me a shout

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  • 2 months later...

Booked my flights to Thailand, going 23rd of October. Planning on 6-8 weeks around South East Asia then onto Aus, not sure which area yet.


Any recommendations on which area to go to around that time of year?

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Booked my flights to Thailand, going 23rd of October. Planning on 6-8 weeks around South East Asia then onto Aus, not sure which area yet.


Any recommendations on which area to go to around that time of year?


Havent been so dont have any recommendations sorry but that sounds a amazing trip!

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Yeah should be good, really looking forward to it!


Not sorted my WHV yet but from what I've read about them I should be ok, going to get it sorted before leaving England though.


From what I hear they are granted quickly but i'd do it asap just incase, dont want to leave it a week before you leave or anything like that.

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