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Hello to everyone!


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Hello im Marie, im 19 years old and currently training as a student midwife. Once qualified im desperate to go down under! At the moment its about 3 years away (far too long for my liking). At the moment im just doing lots of reading and researching about life in Australia. Infact I spend more time doing that than I do studying! I just wanted to say hello to everyone and ask if anyone has any information, specifically about midwifery in Australia.


Thanks a lot


Marie :smile:

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Hiya and welcome to poms in oz ,im pretty sure a midwife over here needs more training before they can go into the workface,i really dont know whats involved maybe Ali or one of our nurses can help out,,time will fly and youll be here before you know it ,get saving every penny in the meantime,good luck with everything

Cal x

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Thanks Cal. Its things like that which make me glad im starting to look now. Im sure theres so many things I dont know. One question I did have to anyone was about partners. I have a boyfriend and IF we are still together when I want to make the move(you never know what might happen!) he is keen to come as well. He doesnt have a 'skill' hes sort of just plodding along not doing an awfull lot, just working in the local garden centre and he is unqualified. If he doesnt have a skill when we want to go would we have to be married for him to be able to come with me?


Thanks again



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Guest Ian&Lou

Hi and Welcome to PiO! Sorry cant help with your questions but someone will come along who can. 3 years will whizz by before you know it!



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Guest ozzielass

Good luck to you Marie, don't think you will regret a move to Aust., lots of opportunities. Can't say I know much - or anything about nursing/midwifery - but I am sure someone on this site will be able to help?

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