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New to Melbourne with a family.....

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Hi everyone,


Just joined this forum as it was highly recommended by a lovely lady I met on the tram today on our way to Victoria Gardens, and her on the way to Balwyn. I was so thankful that I sat opposite from her with one of my sons leaving my hubbie dealing with the youngest a seat back.


We had a very eventful tram journey where we all gto kicked off as the tram lost its brakes :)


Her name username is Special Kay and if you know her would you please guide her to this page and also thank her for all the information she gave me in the space of 15 mins.


I have moved here with my husband, who has been given a job with an AV comapny. We arrived on 23rd Nov and he has worked most days since then. We are in short term lease apartment supplied by the company which is lovely but not where we are hoping to be in a months time.


We are presently based on St Kilda Road, and shall be for the next few weeks. I am hoping to meet some other mums out there that may help my sanity.


We have two sons. William who is 6 and Matt who is 5. They are adorable but have really missed being at school and having time apart, as have I :).


Would be lovely to hear off anyone who is in the Melbourne area and looking at meeting up and possibly becoming friends.


Danielle x

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Hi Danielle


welcome to pomsinoz and to Melbourne.


this is a fab place to find out lots of info and maybe arrange a meet up.


i think there are quite a few families over your way and I am sure someone will be along soon.


I am in the west and have grown up children but if you fancy a trip over to the west I would be happy to meet up for a chat, love kids too so don't worry about bringing them along.


Ask lots of questions, most will probably have been answered at some point and there are no stupid questions ;0)



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Hey Danielle, was lovely to meet you today!

I had a chat with my letting agent and he has given me a number for another agent for you to call, I will personal message it to you. You will get tons of information on here and if you fancy a coffee just gimme a shout



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We are looking to moving to the West. Where abouts are you? We actually have 3 inspections tomorrow in Altona.

I have found that Altona is the only place myself and husband can agree on and have found houses that we both like.

Would be lovely to meet up, will message you to arrange, thank you.


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Hi, we have also recently moved to Melbourne, we have two boys 5 & 2, I understand where you are coming from as my eldest son was used to school and now nothing till february, trying to entertain them can be a nightmare!!! We live on the east side in lyndhurst, we do like it but in a year when our lease is up, we might move to Berwick as this is meant to more friendly surburb.


You should join the sister site life in Victoria, the people on there are lovely and very helpful plus they also arrange a few meet ups, one was last week at Albert park. There are a few poms in the altona area.


Good luck and if you ever what to meet up let me know thanks Nicola.

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We are in Werribee, a bit further out but still good links to the city.


have a good drive round while you are over this way. Some places look good on paper and pants once you see them and visa a versa


will PM you my mobile

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