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I keep suggesting that people join 'Meet Ups' so here's a page of their activities.

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This is for Sydney but they are all over the country. I often see other PIO'ers trying to organise 'meet ups' but that is more getting together for a booze up with other Pommie migrants. Nothing wrong with that, but 'Meet Ups' is a way of putting down stronger roots, getting to know people other than fellow 'New Chums.' I've joined Meet Ups myself, hence the email from them, just have not got around to doing any of the activities. I want to start bushwalking as I used to do that a few years back, a bit like the Ramblers in the UK, whereby you go out on the train or drive to somewhere in the bush to join up with 20 or 30 like-minded people, then have a day (or more) walk. Great way to see more of OZ and meet people (and get fitter!) There are some varied activities on this page, 'something for every cliche!'


Your calendar for the week of December 17

Hi, here's what Meetup looks like for you this week.


Top Meetups for you



Arts & Culture



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[TD]Sydney Sketch Club



Saturday, 10:00 AM Dec 22

[TABLE=width: 168]







27 Artists & Art Enthusiasts












Career & Business



[TABLE=width: 100%]



[TD]Startup Grind Sydney

Startup Grind Sydney Presents Daniel Jarosch (brandsExclusive)


Tuesday, 6:30 PM Dec 18

[TABLE=width: 168]







37 Grinders








Education & Learning



[TABLE=width: 100%]



[TD]Psychology & Social Sciences Discussion & Learning Group

Neuroscience - 'Emotion: brain, body and environment - Bhuva PhD. Final event!


Wednesday, 6:00 PM Dec 19

[TABLE=width: 168]







19 Interested thinkers











[TABLE=width: 100%]



[TD]Crosstraining Fitness Bootcamp in Hyde Park - Free

Bootcamp Fitness Session - Wednesday


Wednesday, 6:30 PM Dec 19

[TABLE=width: 168]







18 Bootcampers








Food & Drink



[TABLE=width: 100%]



[TD]Friendly Singles in their 30's!!!

Sat night drinks at Bondi!


Saturday, 7:00 PM Dec 22

[TABLE=width: 168]







18 30's Singles








Movements & Politics



[TABLE=width: 100%]



[TD]The Sydney Feminists

Documentary Screening: The Purity Myth


Wednesday, 7:00 PM Dec 19

[TABLE=width: 168]







20 Feminists








Language & Ethnic Identity



[TABLE=width: 100%]



[TD]The Sydney Spanish Language Group

The SEEP program at St. James Hotel - compulsory to RSVP!!!!


Wednesday, 6:15 PM Dec 19

[TABLE=width: 168]







29 Spanish Speakers








[TABLE=width: 100%]



[TD]English Spanish Integration - ESI Group

English/Spanish language exchange + live Latin music + dance


Thursday, 7:00 PM Dec 20

[TABLE=width: 168]







24 Members








Literature & Writing



[TABLE=width: 100%]



[TD]Sydney book club

Christmas book club 2012


Wednesday, 6:30 PM Dec 19

[TABLE=width: 168]







27 Readers with wine appreciation








[TABLE=width: 100%]



[TD]Sydney Online Book Club

The Devil Wears Prada and Xmas Celebration :)


Wednesday, 6:30 PM Dec 19

[TABLE=width: 168]







21 Book Readers








Outdoors & Adventure



[TABLE=width: 100%]



[TD]Bondi Social

Tamarama BBQ


Saturday, 2:00 PM Dec 22

[TABLE=width: 168]







26 Bondi Socials








[TABLE=width: 100%]



[TD]Sydney Explorers

Northern Walk No.2 - Box Head and Lobster Beach to Maitland Bay Shipwreck


Sunday, 10:30 AM Dec 23

[TABLE=width: 168]







34 Sydney Explorers











[TABLE=width: 100%]



[TD]Belles & Bubbles | Experiencing Sydney Life, Belles Style!

B&B Social | A Belles Dream...Champagne Bar - One Moncur


Tuesday, 6:00 PM Dec 18

[TABLE=width: 168]







48 Belles








[TABLE=width: 100%]



[TD]Sydney Walking & Social Meetup Group

Wednesday Workout Walks - Harbour Bridge, Milsons Point, Luna Park and Return


Wednesday, 6:00 PM Dec 19

[TABLE=width: 168]







39 Recreational Walkers











[TABLE=width: 100%]



[TD]Agile Sydney

Agile 101


Monday, 6:00 PM Dec 17

[TABLE=width: 168]







78 Agilists






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You don't fancy going to the feminists' meet up and letting them know your views on Alan Jones then?


The ironic thing is that although they are never slow to have a go at him, they would never listen to him, so it's the 'Mary Whitehouse' style of rage, at secondhand, withouth ever actually watching/listening to him.


Mind you, I made my own 'faux pax' yesterday, telling a couple that I thought their little girl was a boy in a dress. Did not realize they were a lesbian couple who had given their daughter a 'typical' lesbian haircut, so in a dress, she did look like a little bloke!

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One of my son's classmates has "two mummies". We went out a couple of weeks ago to a class parents' end of year dinner and only one could come, and I noticed contrived at some difficulty to sit next to my missus. I didn't think anything of it but have since twigged that her partner thinks she fancies my wife. She also has a wicked (as in slightly evil, not as in the Ali G sense) sense of humour and is now winding her partner up with various texts.


We've been invited round there on Boxing Day (with plenty of others, I should add) for drinks/kids bouncy castle/pool party. Could be amusing

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I've got no prejudice. I did not even know they were gay, just noticed that it was a boy in a dress, or so I thought but realize (NOW, after my mate Tom said he 'cringed' when he heard me) that I'd made a faux pax.


Actually, I am prejudiced - against Western Sydney Wanderers after that riot on Saturday - and letting of flares at the ground. Tossers, trying to recreate 'European' atmosphere.

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