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Sydney - March 25th


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Hi guys, im a 22 year old lad travelling to Oz for the first time on a 12 month Working Holiday Visa. I'm flying out on the 25th March from Manchester to Sydney and plan to start there. Got nothing planned as yet as far as accomodation, but having looked at certain topics seen some links to book a place for when i get there. Basically just wondering if anyone's out in Sydney around that time and fancy meeting up instead of going it alone. Anyone recommend any decent hostels to stop in etc, any advice would be great and would love to meet some other backpackers in my position.


Cheers, Callum.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Callum

If you're heading for the city try the YHA near the Central Station to start off with. If you're heading for a beach area then no where better than Bondi for a week or so until you get your bearings. I would try to have a bit more of a plan, so you can link up with others..and also if you have a feeling that you want to stay longer than a year start researching what you need to do to extend the WHV...I think you have to spend 3 months on a farm but don't quote me on that!


I'm sure there's more I could tell / say but it would be toooo much!!


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