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Just over a week in, moved to Surry Hills last night......


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So I arrived into Sydney last week and was orginally staying on George St in a serviced app. I am on a 457, 32 yr old single asian British male from Leicester and moved down here alone. I managed to find a really nice unfurnished newly built place in Surry Hills and moved in yesterday after hours of sweat and tears I assembled some of my Ikea furniture.....!!! Surry Hills seems like a great area and I have loved every minute of being in Sydney since I got here, the people are so friendly and welcoming and everyone seems really chilled out not like the UK!!.... and not to mention the amazing women!!


I have been really busy since I got here, opening bank accounts, phones, finding a place to live, furniture etc...... I am working in the CBD and started on Monday the guys I work with are great but they have all got their own lives to lead so it seems nobody is really up for a beer in the week and Fridays is mainly the time they go out.... so I suppose I am feeling a little bit lonley, I was just thinking as I write this if I was back home I would be down the local albeit snow etc, sinking a few pints with my mates... so my question is, and I appreciate this has been posted on here a 100 times, did most people feel like I do when they got out here? - Are there any other people in the same boat now and if so I would be more than happy to meet up? Any advice and tips?




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Hi Pards!

I'm in the same boat at the moment! Although you seem to be doing better than me, having found a place to live!

I'm still searching, although I'm hoping the house I viewed today is 'the one'!

I'm happy to meet for drinks sometime. It's a shamd as today would've been the perfect day!

Your living in a great and very social location!


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Get herself down the Trinity Bar mate - corner of Devonshire and Crown streets, one of the best pubs in town IMO. A proper cosy, proper pub


I'm thinking of organising a midweek (well, Thursday) beer shortly for slightly older farts, as I've got a bit envious of the young 'uns organising weekend booze ups. For those of us with kids, a midweek pass is easier to obtain than a weekend one ;-)

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