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TRA letter

nancy and paul

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Just got my letter from tra unsuccessful for not providing pay evidence.. As I'm self employed will yearly accounts from my accountant do or does it have to be from inland revenue???


Hiya, I would send as much proof as you can. I didn't have wage slips for one of the jobs i did, so i got a 3 year back date from inland rev...(think they can only go back 3 years), i know this helped prove my case. Gutted you didn't pass, but honestly don't give up....this is the hardest part....i nearly ripped all my hair out getting all the TRA stuff together!!!! good luck. xx

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Really sorry to hear that you did not pass first time round. My OH too is self employed. We sent 8 years worth of tax returns (in Spain we have to pay our taxes quarterly) so had to arrange to translate and send 24 over to TRA. We also sent a Statutory Declaration for the years pre 2003. We spoke to the Inland Revenue and they said we could not get copies of payslips/P60's as their records did not go past this year. TRA accepted this. We also sent copies of our business registration and trading licences plus letters from our lawyer and accountant confirming our current tax status. TRA did not query any of this and passed my OH.


As has been said, send as much detailed information as you can.


Good Luck.

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I send them an official confirmation from the tax agency stating the complete time I have been a self-employed along with some invoices and private contracts.Do not loose your faith ,send back all they are asking for.In a couple of months you will have the positive answer you are looking for.Look at the bight side ;now you know exactly what you need to send them in addition.I also asked from my accountat to declare that my income is based exclusively on my job as a self-employed.The funny thing is that they didnt even bother to authanticate anything ,they didnt call nor emailed anyone.wish me luck for the 23 of march ,thats when I will propably sit the IELTS again.

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Thanks for the reply guys. I'm amazed I sent letter from my accountant and inland revenue along with everything else as I had 2 salon with different names then changed them both to a ltd company. Had them another few years and got rid and became a mobile hairdresser so the amount of info I sent them was unbelievable. My prob now is I have a letter from inland revenue for the past 5 years for proof of income and can send copies of accounts for years previous. I'm just worried though that the past few years I've not really earned a lot and worried they may not think it will be enough for my hours worked..... On a good note they have assessed my qualification as comparable to an aqf.

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We failed 1st time too, just got successful last week. I'd send them an email and ask them if the letters will do them we had to get another letter from my DH accountant to say that he was still trading cause he hadn't got tax return done for last year did you do a statutory declaration to explain your past business circumstances? If not do one! They love a stat dec!

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oh the statutory declaration....i done that it took me about 3 months as so much info. sent them a letter both from accountant and inland revenue stating i am self employed and have been for the past 15 years...I find it strange they now want proof of income for the being self employed going back to my last business.

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When they failed us I wasn't entirely sure what more they could possibly want from us to prove work experience so I emailed them and asked them if they wanted further stat decs and another letter from the accountant, they didn't exactly tell me but they said that it would help my case. You might just get some more clarification from them instead of the whole TRA thing being as clear as a muddy puddle! Good luck!

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If it were me I would contact TRA and seek clarification. You seem to have been quite detailed in what you have sent, but for some reason or other, they are not entirely happy with something. The problem with this system is that whatever you send, you will have to wait for it to be acknowledged and then for it to land on someone's desk all over again. We pestered them something rotten to make sure we sent exactly what they wanted before we sent anything.


Re the Stat Dec's - we sent three different ones. One for tax (employed), one for self employed past tax history and one for present tax history. As Caz says, they love a Stat Dec.


I remember being told to have the file of papers read like a book from the day you trained, qualified to the present day. We did this and I think it really helps.


Wishing you the very Best of Luck xx

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I send them an official confirmation from the tax agency stating the complete time I have been a self-employed along with some invoices and private contracts.Do not loose your faith ,send back all they are asking for.In a couple of months you will have the positive answer you are looking for.Look at the bight side ;now you know exactly what you need to send them in addition.I also asked from my accountat to declare that my income is based exclusively on my job as a self-employed.The funny thing is that they didnt even bother to authanticate anything ,they didnt call nor emailed anyone.wish me luck for the 23 of march ,thats when I will propably sit the IELTS again.


Spyros - Good Luck Hon.

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Just sent an email to tra to see if they will accept my evidence..........Any ideas how long it takes for them to get back to you????? more waiting.lol


When I was preparing for my assessment I asked quite a few question by email. I think the longest I waited for a reply was a week. Generally though it was 2-3 days.

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Just sent an email to tra to see if they will accept my evidence..........Any ideas how long it takes for them to get back to you????? more waiting.lol


I think the longest we waited was a week too. I think you are doing the right thing. Once we knew what they wanted and how they wanted to see it, we found it pretty easy (well easier!!) to collate everything in the folder.


Good Luck

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Well fingerd crossed they'll accept it. Do you know if you have to wait the same length of time for a review as you do for initial application?


I seem to remember the review being quicker, but I believe you have to send the additional papers by a certain date. Does it say on your letter from TRA?

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