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Young(ish) English family in Bundaberg - in need of some friends!!!

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Hi we moved to Bundy in December just before Xmas and are now starting to really miss our friends. We love it that its nice and quiet here and you can play out in the garden without someone overlooking the fence but we're finding it hard meeting people. I'm 29 and my partner is 34. with having a 2 year old son we cant really go out in the evenings to socialise. Im trying to find a mother and toddler group in the area so that i could maybe meet some mums with children the same age but not having much luck finding anywhere! If anyone has any suggestions of places to go id be really grateful :)

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  • 7 months later...

Hi Becky,


I know your post is a few months old now but we've just moved to Bundaberg (From Brisbane and the UK 5 years before that) and I'm keen to get out and meet people. We are similar age to you and your partner but we don't have any children at the moment. Let me know if you're interested in meeting up or if you found any good ways of meeting people.




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