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Alice Springs


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There are not many people on PIO that choose Alice Springs. Janine the party queen seems to know something about outback living however, she will hopefully see the thread shortly.


Can you elaborate on "to work and to live"? It is a very unusual choice for anyone, perhaps more so for a 24 year old. Do you really know what you are getting into? I am asking out of concern, please don't take it the wrong way.

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Have you ever been to Alice before?? Most of the people I knew grew up in Alice, they all move on after finishing school or moved on after Uni.


It can be a bit of a transitional small town, you may be in for a bit of a surprise, it is very different from the rest of Australia. You often need to escape back to the real world every few months.


Im sure you will meet people, join the gym.

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I've not been to Alice, but I'm looking forward to the lifestyle, hoping I can meet a few people just so I'm not entirely on my own, looking forward to the outback living, I'm not into clubbing etc, so I'm not going to miss that side of things, I went to the Vic/NSW border before to a place near yakkadandah and loved it, the peace of being away from everyone!


Yeah its a bit of an extraordinary choice, but I really want to live in Australia, and leave England behind, and would do anything to live there, so this is something I have to do!


Too excited!

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I lived in Alice Springs - remote,isolated and crime ridden. However, for a young man you will probably have a lot of fun as it is a very young town and full of young people. There is a lot to do at night and tourism as well as backpackers keeps the town alive. Just be careful.

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As a man you will probably fair much better, as a female, I've never felt more unsafe in a place and couldn't get a flight out of there quick enough...


Just keep your wits about you until you have really found your feet, e.g. if you are going to go out drinking, stay well within your moderation limits.

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Yeah I don't drink, so I won't be in that situation, I've read numerous articles on Alice and the alcoholism etc, and I'm pretty convinced its not THAT bad, its the same principals as anywhere else, I'm sure if I walked around my town, on my own at night I'd run into trouble, especially knowing the type of people here...


I'm looking forward to the outside life, and night times I prefer friends around, going around friends places, as opposed to getting hammered and winding up in a ditch not knowing how I got there!


I have a huge sense of adventure at the moment, and I really cannot wait to explore, again, Knowing limitations and to drink water is a given! Not going completely blind, would be nice to have someone to share the adventure with is all, I'll be working full time so some mates to have BBQ's, dinner parties and things as opposed to going into town and getting drunk!

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All I will say is that I have travelled all over, UK, Europe, most of Aus, pitt stops in middle east three times, been to many cities, large cities, but nowhere have I felt more unsafe than walking about in Alice... for somewhere so small, that is saying something!!


In fact, a specific example, I have previously found myself in a situation whereby I was the only female not wearing a burqa, had nothing to cover my head with immediately to hand, I have blonde hair, green eyes, and lets just say I stuck out like a beacon! Even then, whilst it was not the most comfortable of situations (and arguably I did not think things through...), other women came to my aid and made sure I was ok. Even that felt safer!

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Guest chris955

Are you saying you arent convinced that the people who have been there are telling it as it is ? What convinces you it isnt THAT bad ? It has a very bad reputation and it would seem deservedly so. Can I ask exactly what visa you have ?


Yeah I don't drink, so I won't be in that situation, I've read numerous articles on Alice and the alcoholism etc, and I'm pretty convinced its not THAT bad, its the same principals as anywhere else, I'm sure if I walked around my town, on my own at night I'd run into trouble, especially knowing the type of people here...


I'm looking forward to the outside life, and night times I prefer friends around, going around friends places, as opposed to getting hammered and winding up in a ditch not knowing how I got there!


I have a huge sense of adventure at the moment, and I really cannot wait to explore, again, Knowing limitations and to drink water is a given! Not going completely blind, would be nice to have someone to share the adventure with is all, I'll be working full time so some mates to have BBQ's, dinner parties and things as opposed to going into town and getting drunk!

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Guest chris955

OK, so I see you are a hairdresser who late last year wanted to move to Victoria, now you are seeminly desperate to move to Alice Springs. Im not sure there will be a huge demand for hairdressers in AS to be quite honest with you.

Also didnt I read that hairdressing had come off the skills list ?

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OK, so I see you are a hairdresser who late last year wanted to move to Victoria, now you are seeminly desperate to move to Alice Springs. Im not sure there will be a huge demand for hairdressers in AS to be quite honest with you.

Also didnt I read that hairdressing had come off the skills list ?



Actually there has always been a big demand for hairdressers in Alice Springs. It'a a transient town, so people are always arriving and leaving. I knew a number of Hairdressers from overseas when I lived there. That's the one thing about Alice, if someone wants a job, then they will get one with no difficulty.

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Yeah I don't drink, so I won't be in that situation, I've read numerous articles on Alice and the alcoholism etc, and I'm pretty convinced its not THAT bad, its the same principals as anywhere else, I'm sure if I walked around my town, on my own at night I'd run into trouble, especially knowing the type of people here...


I'm looking forward to the outside life, and night times I prefer friends around, going around friends places, as opposed to getting hammered and winding up in a ditch not knowing how I got there!


I have a huge sense of adventure at the moment, and I really cannot wait to explore, again, Knowing limitations and to drink water is a given! Not going completely blind, would be nice to have someone to share the adventure with is all, I'll be working full time so some mates to have BBQ's, dinner parties and things as opposed to going into town and getting drunk!


I lived there and yes it is as bad crime wise as reported.It is actually the murder capital of Australia per capita.

Having said that you are young and if you take the necessary precautions and don't assume it to be like a European city at night ( yes they have problems but it cannot be compared in anyway whatsoever) then you will be fine. You will find most people drink themselves under the tables there.

I lived there, I know.

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