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meeting people


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just wondering if anyone forty upward looking to meet people for coffe etc, i am late forties and been living in the gold coast for a few months but its hard to meet people, wondered if anyone out there in same situation in paradise point area. :smile:

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I always recommend Googling "Meet ups' as there are loads of social groups interested in everything from A to Z.


Try some evening classes too - learn to dance, speak a foreign language, cook, sew, write, whatever interests you.


Join a bushwalking club.


'Push' yourself to talk to people.I find it hard myself but when I find a cafe I like, I go there all the time, get to know the staff, talk to anybody who catches my eye.

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thanks for the input but i have been living all over the world in my nearly fifty years and know how to meet people, moving to different areas over the years and all over australia.



Everyones situation is different, is hard to get to know people also when not able to join certain groups do to ill health etc it is so easy to say "Push Yourself'. I don't find comments of join a singing group go bushwalking etc of any use. As I said I am of mature years and know all these things and have a brain, so thanks but sorry your comments were not helpful.



Possibly the reason why you find it hard to meet people if that is your attitude.

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Guest Guest26012
thanks for the input but i have been living all over the world in my nearly fifty years and know how to meet people, moving to different areas over the years and all over australia.



Everyones situation is different, is hard to get to know people also when not able to join certain groups do to ill health etc it is so easy to say "Push Yourself'. I don't find comments of join a singing group go bushwalking etc of any use. As I said I am of mature years and know all these things and have a brain, so thanks but sorry your comments were not helpful.



How rude! If you don't want advice, don't ask for it!

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The Gold Coast is full of migrants ,a lot of them poms, so striking up conversation should be easier there ,than in some places. As Mary said you do have to get out there and mix,, and joining a group is a good way of meeting people over here and doing just that, it has worked for many migrants in the past. As i always say, walk around with a face like a slapped backside and no-one wants to know, greet people with a smile and try to start a conversation and you may be surprised where it leads,, most of my friendships have been made this way. Cal x

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Guest Guest26012
The Gold Coast is full of migrants ,a lot of them poms, so striking up conversation should be easier there ,than in some places. As Mary said you do have to get out there and mix,, and joining a group is a good way of meeting people over here and doing just that, it has worked for many migrants in the past. As i always say, walk around with a face like a slapped backside and no-one wants to know, greet people with a smile and try to start a conversation and you may be surprised where it leads,, most of my friendships have been made this way. Cal x


Good advice cal! I went for a coffe after the gym this morn. There was a lady there with her little puppy! We got chatting and had a good old chinwag! It's good for the soul! Sometimes we have to put ourselves out, wear a smile and initiate conversation!

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Guest Guest26012
I read the OP as asking if anyone fancied coffee, not advice(...did they ask for advice?), and certainly not the ticking offs that came after.


Yes, and MARYROSE gave advice and got a rather rude reply! No need for it.

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Guest Guest26012
I read the OP as asking if anyone fancied coffee, not advice(...did they ask for advice?), and certainly not the ticking offs that came after.


MARYROSE was just making suggestions about how to meet people, not being intentionally unhelpful.

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Guest Guest26012
They didnt ask for advice tho did they?...i didnt read it as a rude reply.


Well maybe go back and read it again! Now let's just leave it at that eh.

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Possibly the reason why you find it hard to meet people if that is your attitude.


I'll "Roger' that.Why should being of 'mature years' make it impossible to joing a singing group or a bushwalking club? Especially as those sort of groups are usually dominated by 'mature' age groups!


Why should it be more difficult to meet people if you are of 'mature' years anyway? I have met the biggest number of people in my life.now that I, too, am of 'mature' years - 59 soon.


I got talking to a group of young people in a bar on George St tonight - 3 Wise Monkeys I think it is called? I was sitting in an alcove on my own and offered to get up when a group of young people wanted somewhere to sit. They insisted that I stay with them and I got talking to a couple of them - no lasting friendships, but it's all part of being social and getting yourself 'out there.'


If you want to meet people then you have to take a chance and speak to strangers, join groups of strangers. How else are you supposed to do it? Wait for them to approach you sitting on your own in a cafe or a pub?


Asking someone on here if they fancy going for a coffee is OK but why restrict yourself? Sit in a cafe a few times on your own and you should be able to start talking to the staff at least, any maybe some of the regulars.


Last year, I was at a party in Enmore and I 'pushed' myself to talk to a lady there, and now we go for coffee all the time.

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Guest Guest26012
I'll "Roger' that.Why should being of 'mature years' make it impossible to joing a singing group or a bushwalking club? Especially as those sort of groups are usually dominated by 'mature' age groups!


Why should it be more difficult to meet people if you are of 'mature' years anyway? I have met the biggest number of people in my life.now that I, too, am of 'mature' years - 59 soon.


I got talking to a group of young people in a bar on George St tonight - 3 Wise Monkeys I think it is called? I was sitting in an alcove on my own and offered to get up when a group of young people wanted somewhere to sit. They insisted that I stay with them and I got talking to a couple of them - no lasting friendships, but it's all part of being social and getting yourself 'out there.'


If you want to meet people then you have to take a chance and speak to strangers, join groups of strangers. How else are you supposed to do it? Wait for them to approach you sitting on your own in a cafe or a pub?


Asking someone on here if they fancy going for a coffee is OK but why restrict yourself? Sit in a cafe a few times on your own and you should be able to start talking to the staff at least, any maybe some of the regulars.


Last year, I was at a party in Enmore and I 'pushed' myself to talk to a lady there, and now we go for coffee all the time.



Nice reply! Nothing wrong with your first one though! :biggrin:

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Guest Guest26012
Ive been missing for some months .....willing to meet new people...hope this helps.....


Welcome back! Think I know you from somewhere lol!

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Welcome back! Think I know you from somewhere lol!


ermmmm let me think now ...............well i havnt been rambling in any fields of late so it must be BRITS ABROAD ,another fantastic site that would like some extra custom , feel free to roam the site , you may be pleasantly surprised .....:wink:

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