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Anyone have an opinion on Go Matilda migration agency?


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Well as long as they have reasonable fees and get the job done I think they deserve every single penny then.


My visa application was far from simple and i was told by several agents that we had no chance.... Go Matilda was the only ones who actually looked at it with any conviction.... they was very honest from day 1 told me what they thought, we signed up with them did exactly as they advised me to do and the rest is history.... As Alan said above they don't bite.... Get back to him today and let them sort it from there.... Good luck....

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Mmm..A loaded question in a way but if a serious question I would suggest take on board replies but shop around. I would never conduct a business transaction as a rule prior to checking out the opposition.


Once aware of the score make a decision based on information gathered and the like.


Asking folk an opinion is fine but variables such as experience of competition may or may not have been part of their knowledge on the matter.

A little like asking are chicken eggs the best and getting an affirmative without knowing if folk have ever sampled duck, geese or some other variety of egg to compare.


I guess there is much of a muchness, as the migration agencies can only go by how the immigration law stands at that time. Of course time permitting it can be completed by the applicant.


Your call of course. At least all positive feedback. You could go with the flow.

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