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Less than 1 week to go....


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We fly out tomorrow morning. *yikes*


Just saying good bye to my dogs today, do a 50-50 share with the ex-wife with them, but wasn't able to take them with me :(


Visited my Grandma and Granddads graves yesterday to say bye to them.


Putting together the final touches to a few things today also, returning my company car, laptop etc.


Not going to lie ... I'm scared and excited at the same time, but all will be good I'm sure of it. :)

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Congratulations. Have a good time in Singapore. Have you got a stopover? If so be careful of the rip off merchants in Singapore. When we had our stopover we got a phone call from reception the first morning we were there to say our taxi was waiting for us. We hadn't ordered a taxi but the receptionist said it was part of the stopover and he would take us to a shopping centre and bring us back when we were ready.


Seeing as it was free we went. Talk about pressure selling. Things do (or did then) seem very cheap but we resisted as we thought we might need every penny we had when we got to Perth. The people were lovely in Singapore though and we had a great time. Our youngster was 2 at the time and had white blond hair. They couldn't keep their hands off him, loads of people just wanted to pat his head. We thought it was a bit strange but were told it was considered good luck for them.


The weather should be pretty good in Perth for a while yet. We had a fair bit of rain yesterday but back to high 20's low 30's next week..... Gorgeous.

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Thanks Paul. We are in Singapore for 2 nights, intend to spend most of it in the hotel, the bar, the spa and the pool! Going to go for some chill time after these hectic few weeks/months.


Looking forward to some warm sunshine, its been freezing here all week and snowing on and off!!


Bring on the Southern Hemisphere :)

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