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Me 45 Him 49 need friends on Gold coast

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Hi There,

We are Alison and Mark, we've been on Gold coast since Jan 09, we have a grown up son who has flown the nest, and a little dog (she still lives with us) We are looking for friends around our age in our area, although when we first arrived we met loads of newbies, we seem to have lost track etc of most of them and others just either moved on or moved away and the people we do know are younger and have little kids so are not in the same position as us. We are beach lovers, have no ties so can go out whenever, like pubs, eating out, cinema and just socialising in general, but would like to do at least some of these things with another couple or two!

Anyone others in this postiton? we would love to hear from you, be kinda like a blind date lol !

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Alison, know what you mean about losing track of people! Unfortunately I'm one of the ones with little kids, but if you fancy a coffee one day let me know?

Tracy, tried to PM you but it comes up that I'm not allowed! Please PM me if you would like to meet up, I live in Park Lake, so just behind Pac Pines.

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