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Does anyone suffer from this? I do and the Doc has said it's Vertigo and a middle ear complaint and given me anti histimines but they make me drowsy and despite being on them over a week there's no improvement. It's difficult because laid down the bed feels like its rocking and when I'm working especially when I'm looking up or down . I don't have a lot if faith in the Doc I saw he just looked it up on google ! I know I'm going to have to go back to Docs but just wondered if anyone else had had it and how did they get rid of it?

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Guest JK2510

Now I'm no nurse or doctor but why would an antihistamine be prescribed for that? Sounds a little odd. I was going to suggest a non drowsy antihistamine but seeing the drowsy ones didn't work I would save your $. Could you possibly go to another doctor,a good ol fashioned doc that doesn't have to rely on google.

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I had vertigo last month was awful had to take a week off work.. I was prescribed Stemitil (Anti sickness and nasuea)which was great... Mine also from middle ear infection... There are some excercise you can do which make you feel sick for 10 mins but really work...

I thought it would last forever but it stopped after about 2 weeks horrible....




  • Bed, floor or flat surface


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    • 1 Sit on the edge of the bed. You can also do this exercise on the floor or any flat surface.
    • 2 Turn your head left, at a 45-degree angle, so that your chin is halfway to your left shoulder. After you have turned your head to the left, lie down on your right side. While lying down, your head should still remain at a 45-degree angle, which is not against the flat surface, yet not pointing toward the ceiling. Stay in this position for 30 seconds. If you are experiencing vertigo, continue this position for one minute or until vertigo subsides.
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      [*] 3 Sit up and into the normal sitting position as when you started. Remain sitting for 30 seconds.




      [*] 4 Turn your head right, at a 45-degree angle. Again, this angle would be turning your head so that your chin halfway meets with your right shoulder. After you have turned your head to the right, lie down on your left side. Remember that your head should remain at a 45-degree angle during this exercise. You should be facing halfway between the flat surface you're lying on and the ceiling. Stay in this position for 30 seconds. If you are experiencing vertigo, continue this position for one minute or until vertigo subsides.




      [*] 5 Return again to the sitting position on the edge of your bed. Stay sitting for 30 seconds. This exercise completes one set. Complete five repetitions in the morning, five repetitions at noon and five repetitions in the evening.









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Also should have mentioned that Stemitil is available over the counter at any chemist... It really does work and it doesnt make you very drowsey..

Good luck i would never want Vertigo again it ruined my life for a few weeks and i worried that i would ever feel normal again....

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I would go an see and ENT consultant, GP are no good at things with the inner ear. Surprised that it is anti-histimines that they have given you, betahistine is usually one for vertigo, more commonly for Menerires.


There is the Epely Maneuver that can help, but it is best shown to you by doctor or physio how to do it. If not getting better there are physios that specialise in Balance disorders, that you need to re-program your brain to what your eyes are seeing.


I had alot of problems with dizziness, its about 85-90% better now, but had 6 months of physio.

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Had some herbal remedy OTC in Aus but I can't for the life of me remember what it was called. The pharmacist would know - expensive but worked well. It's a horrible feeling (just be sure you have it diagnosed properly)

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Does anyone suffer from this? I do and the Doc has said it's Vertigo and a middle ear complaint and given me anti histimines but they make me drowsy and despite being on them over a week there's no improvement. It's difficult because laid down the bed feels like its rocking and when I'm working especially when I'm looking up or down . I don't have a lot if faith in the Doc I saw he just looked it up on google ! I know I'm going to have to go back to Docs but just wondered if anyone else had had it and how did they get rid of it?



I had treated a Patient with this, here is what is on our good old NHS Website



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Guest guest74886
Does anyone suffer from this? I do and the Doc has said it's Vertigo and a middle ear complaint and given me anti histimines but they make me drowsy and despite being on them over a week there's no improvement. It's difficult because laid down the bed feels like its rocking and when I'm working especially when I'm looking up or down . I don't have a lot if faith in the Doc I saw he just looked it up on google ! I know I'm going to have to go back to Docs but just wondered if anyone else had had it and how did they get rid of it?


Check whether you have Meunieres? disease, often as a result of an ear infection and unfortunately long lasting, my experience is that its like having a bad case of sea-sickness; only relief /prophylactic treatment that I have discovered is Betahistine which is not widely prescribed but I found it helpful to control it and keep it at bay.

My experience was that it was exacerbated by stress.

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That's what I'm taking now, but its making me so drowsy I'm trying to carry on working a keeping the house up together but it's really difficult with this. Thanks so much everyone a mine of information as usual, I think I'll go back to my proper Doc I should have seen him in the first place but he's always so busy. Thanks again everyone.

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Guest guest74886
That's what I'm taking now, but its making me so drowsy I'm trying to carry on working a keeping the house up together but it's really difficult with this. Thanks so much everyone a mine of information as usual, I think I'll go back to my proper Doc I should have seen him in the first place but he's always so busy. Thanks again everyone.


Are you sure it's "Betahistine" as I've never suffered from drowsiness with it and been on it for years, just as a prophylactic

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Guest guest74886
It's called betahistine dihydrochloride. The liable actually says may cause drowsiness do not drive or operate machinery blah blah blah. But then I'm always tired so perhaps it's just me :laugh:


Sorry for doubting, it just didn't sound right, have they checked for a ear infection, sorry to be probing but ended up with my problem due to undiagnosed ear infection, I found that lying down for 24 hours until it passes was best way to deal .

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Guest guest74886
No your OK I'm just glad someone else has been through it. The Doc did look in my ears but as I've said I'm going to have to see another I reckon my ear is actually feeling a bit ear achy this morning which it's never done before. Thanks for your help.


I was being a bit directive because the doctor in the UK missed the infection and that led to a litany of difficulties, so would not want anybody else to have same experience, I think more is known about problem and if it does not abate there is more expertise than 15 years ago, but I definitely found rest and pills most helpful

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Does anyone suffer from this? I do and the Doc has said it's Vertigo and a middle ear complaint and given me anti histimines but they make me drowsy and despite being on them over a week there's no improvement. It's difficult because laid down the bed feels like its rocking and when I'm working especially when I'm looking up or down . I don't have a lot if faith in the Doc I saw he just looked it up on google ! I know I'm going to have to go back to Docs but just wondered if anyone else had had it and how did they get rid of it?


Fluctuating blood pressure can cause similar symptoms. Get a second opinion.

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Just to clear up some of the confusions on here. Antihistamines are the treatment of the symptom vertigo, because they are vestibular sedatives. Betahistine and prochlorperazine are the usual ones. Vertigo is what the OP describes, and the fact it comes on in certain positions raises the suspicion of BPPV (google it). Epleys manoeuvre is a possible cure, but DO NOT just follow a description from the Internet. You need to have or assessed by a doctor first with a Hallpike manoeuvre, to work out which canal the debris is in, and to therefore know which form of epley-type manoeuvre you need. If you do the wrong one, you'll simple drive the debris deeper in, and be much worse off.

Low blood pressure can cause dizziness, but it is not vertigo. Typically with low blood pressure you get symptoms when you stand up, and you feel close to blacking out, head rush, seeing stars, tunnel vision, sweaty and empty-bellied.



You don't need to see an ENT surgeon. Often it's the remit of neurology for a start. But anyway, your GP should be able to do hallpikes and epleys. If they can't, time to find a new GP!


hope that helps.




ps- disclaimer, no medical advice read on an Internet forum should be taken without a thorough assessment from a GP/doctor.

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