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Dad of 2 just seperated finding impossible adelaide

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Have just split with my partner of 15 years and have been here in Hope Valley for 3years.Never made any friends just did the work,kids,beer,bed,work thing and as a result i now find myself on my own without a plan.I am considering going back to Yorkshire but i am not sure if i can manage without being able to see the kds.But it can not be any worse than this.It is just so hard to make any friends here,male or female.If there are any of you out there going through the same or can give me any advice or pointers it would help me lots.I have been going mad now since Christmas ,without a job and am going under now.

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Would it be possible for you to move to another state to secure work? Interstate would be much easier to see kids than UK I think it would be pretty hard for you and the kids if you moved back to the UK. Have you joined the Life in Queensland site at the bottom of this page? Maybe you could post about meeting up with new people and also asking if any work around.? Sounds like you are pretty down - hope things get better soon for you.


Edited as just saw you are in Adelaide? Thought you were in Queensland

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There are a fair few people in the north east over on Poms in Adelaide so well worth posting on there as well. People on PIA are often also helpful with the whole finding work thing too.


I hope it all works out for you what ever you decide to do.

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Sorry to hear this, give yourself time, its a whole new book you are opening and it takes time but there are plenty of people in the same boat. Also sorry you are not working. Maybe you could look at Melbourne for work. Not the time for big decisions just heal a bit.

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Would it be worth going to your GP to discuss how you are feeling? If you are depressed you will not be able to think straight to make life changing decisions, maybe go on anti depressants? Is it possible that you and your wife/ex, could get back together? Maybe couples counselling?if not you could discuss seeing a counsellor for yourself with your GP.

It's not going to solve any problems but exercise is good for the mind. Keep smiling, it will get better with time. :-)

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from personal experience, it is crappy. A few things might help:

1. It is all about you. Work needs to be done, but focus on you first

2. GP for advice, referral to counsellor - possibly meds to get the brain on track again, and off meds once the counselling kicks in

3. This may sound fluffy, but it does work. See if it does for you too: get a vision board going. Don't know what a vision board is? Info on the (believe it or not) Oprah Winfrey website.


4. Find someone to share time with. Chess club. Footy club. Surf life savers. RSL. Mens shed.

5. Remember, it does get better. But moving to the UK is a sure way of making life more difficult if you intend to keep reasonably close to your kids

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