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The beach every day ?

Que Sera Sera

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What utter tramps them people are.. It's my pet hate


I recall when folk would at times turn up at the local job centre in bare feet. Indeed kids would take their shoes off on entering primary school and go to class.


Some changes since then. I don't see anyone without foot wear of some kind in the city anymore. Nor shopping centres come to think of it that are a distance from the beach.

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I'm always nipping the shop in pjs, barefoot, rollers in head, fag hanging out of mouth, swearing at my 6 yr old son. I think I'm going to fit in well lol. Nah just kidding, my hair isn't long enough for rollers he he



That used to be the deal here years ago. The blue rinse brigade and what have you. The smoking bit has gone out of fashion though.

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Guest Ptp113
Wear flip flops then.. Absolutely no excuse at all not to wear something on your feet. Going on your theory we should walk around naked then


I walk around bare feet. Got a problem with that?

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What utter tramps them people are.. It's my pet hate

See I reckon it's the reason some people are happy here and some hate it. When I first arrived I couldn't fathom why people would walk around barefoot, now I "get" it, it's like being in holiday mode 24/7. In the sea. Out of the sea, on the beach off the beach. Constantly wet then dry in a few minutes. It's casual it's fun and its a brilliant life if you can just chll and enjoy the ride :wink:

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See I reckon it's the reason some people are happy here and some hate it. When I first arrived I couldn't fathom why people would walk around barefoot, now I "get" it, it's like being in holiday mode 24/7. In the sea. Out of the sea, on the beach off the beach. Constantly wet then dry in a few minutes. It's casual it's fun and its a brilliant life if you can just chll and enjoy the ride :wink:

You reckon..??? It's not like holiday mode going to work I can assure you

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Well you won't see many if any Italians or Spanish doing it, proberbly the two best dressed countries in the world. Same climate, more self respect

Yeah both broke and both gone up the swanny! Who cares really , it's funny really how the people that say they never ever go to the beach are the ones that are unhappy here. Maybe they just never get this relaxed holiday mode that makes the rest of us living here so happy. Life's too short to constantly judge people , relax and enjoy life !

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Negativity overdrive...wow


Yes, I reckon that summer feeling is hard to put into words but it's the best bit of living here for us. We love it.


Too right even working you know it's there waiting for you every lunchtime every evening and every weekend. Even if its just a few hours grabbed at our local bar with a view or a walk on the beach or even a drive too and from work , it's different , can't explain it anymore really. But we know :wink:

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It's been mentioned in other threads that part of the Aussie lifestyle is going to the beach everyday and that maybe people don't actually get to the beach much for various reasons. I wonder what everyone's experience is. Mine is that we do indeed go to the beach every day sometimes twice a day as we have fantastic dog beaches where we can let the dog off the lead and walk for k's. I've now started jogging and very often jog along the footpath next to the beach and the OH likes fishing . Now we don't tend to do the surfing, sunbathing thing all that often maybe once a month but we do spend a lot if time by the water. We are saving hard for a jet ski at the moment and one day would love a boat. What's your experiences or expectations?


God, no. I'd rather stick pins in my eyes. The beach is lovely for a mornings walk on a winters day, and tolerable for an hour or two in summer, but after that the novelty wears off for me. My seven year old loves a trip to the beach though, although last time we took her to St Kilda (our nearest beach) we were warned by the blokes clearing up to make sure she wore flip-flops and for us to keep an eye out for broken glass and needles. We'll probably bite the bullet and take her down to Mornington Peninsula in the summer as I'm told they have nice safe, clean beaches there.

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God, no. I'd rather stick pins in my eyes. The beach is lovely for a mornings walk on a winters day, and tolerable for an hour or two in summer, but after that the novelty wears off for me. My seven year old loves a trip to the beach though, although last time we took her to St Kilda (our nearest beach) we were warned by the blokes clearing up to make sure she wore flip-flops and for us to keep an eye out for broken glass and needles. We'll probably bite the bullet and take her down to Mornington Peninsula in the summer as I'm told they have nice safe, clean beaches there.

That sounds very much like our neatest beach back in the UK. It was used to house addicts trying to get if drugs. It's not for everyone for sure.

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Yeah both broke and both gone up the swanny! Who cares really , it's funny really how the people that say they never ever go to the beach are the ones that are unhappy here. Maybe they just never get this relaxed holiday mode that makes the rest of us living here so happy. Life's too short to constantly judge people , relax and enjoy life !


I reckon you're on to something there. I don't meet many other Brits who are unhappy here too, but of those I do, they nearly always steer well clear of the beach. Whereas, I don't think Ive ever met an Australian who doesn't love it. Different goals and perspectives I guess.

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God, no. I'd rather stick pins in my eyes. The beach is lovely for a mornings walk on a winters day, and tolerable for an hour or two in summer, but after that the novelty wears off for me. My seven year old loves a trip to the beach though, although last time we took her to St Kilda (our nearest beach) we were warned by the blokes clearing up to make sure she wore flip-flops and for us to keep an eye out for broken glass and needles. We'll probably bite the bullet and take her down to Mornington Peninsula in the summer as I'm told they have nice safe, clean beaches there.

Wow, that's horrific! Despite social problems being everywhere, never heard of such a thing in Perth. The beaches here are simply heavenly.

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I reckon you're on to something there. I don't meet many other Brits who are unhappy here too, but of those I do, they nearly always steer well clear of the beach. Whereas, I don't think Ive ever met an Australian who doesn't love it. Different goals and perspectives I guess.

Absolutely. Wouldn't do for us all to be the same..as long as we're in tune with our partner thats the key...luckily me and my hubby are very similar in terms of our preffered leisure pursuits. I wouldnt recommend Perth for anyone who is not keen on beaches though...there will be those who disagree but: for us they form the basis of our weekends and holidays.

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Wow, that's horrific! Despite social problems being everywhere, never heard of such a thing in Perth. The beaches here are simply heavenly.



I thought he was joking at first, and then got nervous when I saw he wasn't. Having worked in St Kilda for a couple of years I've learned all about the levels of drug use around the beach which is a shame because it's a nice spot for a Sunday morning walk in winter. Harpodom assures me that his local beach in Geelong is very safe, so if we must do the beach in the summer hols we'll head down that way.

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