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State sponsorship do you have to choose 3 regions

nancy and paul

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I don't know if it has changed from when I did mine last November but I just put down the state I'd got sponsorship from. I had some advice that suggested if you put more than 1 state down then some states get the hump as they think you're not committed to them and you're just hedging your bets.

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Rupert and gbuss thanks once again for the replies can't believe how neurotic I've become double check, triple check and then ask someone just to be on the safe side. The joys of being on this crazy roller coaster.lol


Don't think twice about it, I'm sure we all had moments of making doubly sure. My ethos on the whole process was check, check and check again and if I still wasn't sure then ask someone who might know.


And after your TRA experience I don't blame you!

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