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Introducing the children .

Que Sera Sera

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4 Scots, 2 Aussies :-)

They all have dual citizenship as DH is an Aussie. I'm the only non dual cit left in the family, but I'm eligible to apply now.

Have recently found out that the kids of the ones born in Scotland can claim dual citizenship, but the kids of the ones born in Scotland can't :-(

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I am trying to get my head around that one.


Us: 3 kids, 11 and 10 years old.


4 Scots, 2 Aussies :-)

They all have dual citizenship as DH is an Aussie. I'm the only non dual cit left in the family, but I'm eligible to apply now.

Have recently found out that the kids of the ones born in Scotland can claim dual citizenship, but the kids of the ones born in Scotland can't :-(

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Galley foods? (lovely looking lad btw)


Yup. A regular haunt. Beast eatery around these parts IMO, unless you've found a hidden gem I don't know of


Still waiting for that poxy cafe to get their booze/evening licence. Must be 5 months they've been promising it now.....

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Damn! I read and re-read my post to check for typos. Maybe my subconscious is wishful thinking...?


We adopted the three of them (a sibling group) in 2005, and despite the adoption assessment and training it was a very big shock to go from zero kids to three!


Wow! Partners??! You must be kept busy eh? haha ;)

I don't have any kids and don't intend to. I really, really value my sleep :)

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Guest guest30085
Damn! I read and re-read my post to check for typos. Maybe my subconscious is wishful thinking...?


We adopted the three of them (a sibling group) in 2005, and despite the adoption assessment and training it was a very big shock to go from zero kids to three!


How lovely for you and have a hug for taking a sibling group, I believe it's much harder to place children rather than one child, my friend adopted a brother and sister, although to look at them you would think she was the biological mum as they are so closely matched looks wise, I'm sure they keep you on your toes :) :hug:

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Damn! I read and re-read my post to check for typos. Maybe my subconscious is wishful thinking...?


We adopted the three of them (a sibling group) in 2005, and despite the adoption assessment and training it was a very big shock to go from zero kids to three!

Bless you! What a fantastic thing to do, may they bring you lots if joy x

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4 Scots, 2 Aussies :-)

They all have dual citizenship as DH is an Aussie. I'm the only non dual cit left in the family, but I'm eligible to apply now.

Have recently found out that the kids of the ones born in Scotland can claim dual citizenship, but the kids of the ones born in Scotland can't :-(

What an interesting combination. Must be interesting if they play against each other in the rugby and soccer haha

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Not sure I should join this thread! Can't really call them children, 42, 39 and 33, but they were children once! and two grandchildren, 3 & 5.

If they are grown up why do I still worry about them?


PS. We retired to Oz on our own, but 2 have followed us here and love it. 3rd will never leave UK.

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I have 3 kids .. 1 (49) - OK not officially my child but my husband, but honestly he does act like a kid at times lol.


Officially I have an 18 year old daughter at Uni and a 13 year old son at High school - well assimilated into Aussie life as we've been here 6 years and they became citizens in 2009 No signs of either having plans to leave home for a very long time (my boy has already said he'll move his wife in !!), and my daughter is far to comfortable

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I've got a daughter of 13, a son of 10 and a stepdaughter who is 23.

The younger ones are coming to Australia at the end of this month and the eldest is saving to come out for Christmas.


OMG! Just realised its the first of June which means we are emigrating this month!!!

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Just the one, 10 in 16 days (so I was told this morning), he was born in Scotland, he was 5 when we migrated and he never ever wanted to come to Australia. I was reading the blog from our reccie last week and it broke my heart. Everyone said he'd adapt far more easily than us but despite going to a fantastic school and making good friends he has resolutely refused to accept Australia as home.

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Two girls 5 and 3, and a boy 9 months. 2 dogs not sure if they can come yet don't know if the older one will be well enough for the journey yet and would hate to split them up so will have to see if my parents will take them when yhe time comes, but have to get visa for the rest of us before I worry about that!


Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

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