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Form 80

saunders 5

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Just posted off our completed form 80s. What an inordinate amount of time it has taken. Managed ok with travel, after we had got out the magnifying glass to read some of the stamps! It was the employment that was a bit of a challenge due to our great age.

wishing you all the best of luck! C.

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As I travel extensively, (hit every world continent including Antartica and well past 100 countries), I keep a full a record of where I am each day, I've got a spreadsheet dating back 20 years showing where I am each day, flight details and a note relating to anything important that may have occured, I also keep every single boarding pass filed. I started doing this on the advice of my accountant for proof in tax returns, and have just 'merged' that spreadsheet as a PDF to the Form 80 so if they do need the Form hopefully that will be sufficient. I've been to places such as Iran etc so hopefully that won't be an issue for Oz.

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