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Need to meet new people in Port Melbourne or surrounding suburbs

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Hi, my boyfriend and I have been living in Melb for 3 years now and we still don't really know anyone and it's getting quite depressing. I am almost finished my uni degree and have been working a lot which has meant there has not been much time for anything else but now I feel it's time to get out there and meet people, which is proving to be more difficult than anticipated. I am Australian 30 years old ( All my friends move away whilst I was living in the U.K) and my boyfriend is from Liverpool, he is 29 years old. Ideally we would like to meet people that we can have a good friendship with so common interests such as a love of sport (rugby and football) as well as good taste in music eg. trance/techno/electro/indie would be great. We are also definitely ready for a few clubbing nights after 3 years of barely going out! My boyfriend also loves to make his own techno music and have a bit of a mix and he is missing hanging out with people with the same passion. So if any of this sounds like you then drop us a line and we can meet up :)

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Hi guys, I've been here 18 months and although met a few people, I'm in a similar boat and agree it's very tough meeting people out here! I'm arranging to meet with another lad from these forums and possibly a couple of girls on Friday 5th July after work, just for a few beers. If you fancy it PM me and I'll let you know the details. I used to DJ back in the UK, trance and house and am struggling to keep my passion alive out here so I feel your pain there Dave

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