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Kevin Rudd or Tony Abbott?

Que Sera Sera

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I love politics, I've always worked in a political environment , everything about it interests me , good and bad. I know it leaves many cold with the belief that everyone is bent and a liar! I'm very new to Aussie politics and find myself for the first time in my adult life unable to cast a vote on who leads my Country. It actually makes me feel uneasy like I have no power, so I have a long time now to get to know all I can about Aussie politics. So as I am " fresh meat" as it were , if you were to try an sale me your Party what would you say?

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Guest Ptp113
What are the basic differences between the two..I have no clue?


One isn't a religious fruitcake........

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Tony Abbott every time. I don't think he's a religious fruitcake, As for Kevin Rudd he is a slimy snake. He made a mess of the job the last time he was PM and will wreck the country even more if he wins the election.

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In reply to the OP. The Labor Party always leaves the country in massive debt. They love to take every bit of money the can from those who work hard and make a decent living and give to those who would rather sit on their backsides and do virtually nothing. The Liberals pay off Labor debts and get the country back into surplus. They encourage people to work hard and improve their standard of living. I have lived in this country for almost 47 years and seen the cycle a few times. Wouldn't touch Labor with a ten foot pole!

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Abbott every time. He isn't a narcissistic micro managing megalomaniac like Rudd who parades his Christianity with church door pics far more than Abbot. Rudd got the country in so much mess the last time that even his own mates booted him out. Australia can't afford Rudd.

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I don't follow Aussie politics too much but from what I have heard Abbott mixes politics with religion too much and had planned to have the Catholic Church running some hospitals which is crazy and if that is his aims then I wouldn't want him anywhere near the top seat!!


Plus he creeps me out.. There is something in his eyes that I don't like!!

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No contest. Rudd every time. He stayed away a recession or at least a serious downturn with his stimulus packages in late 00s. Not that I was in favour of a lot of it. But still can anyone in all truth think Abbott is going to help them? Big business maybe. Workers forget



In what way? Handing out the money? who is going to pay that money back?.


It did not come free then..........any government with big surplus will be able to do what Rudd did.

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No contest. Rudd every time. He stayed away a recession or at least a serious downturn with his stimulus packages in late 00s. Not that I was in favour of a lot of it. But still can anyone in all truth think Abbott is going to help them? Big business maybe. Workers forget



In what way? Handing out the money? who is going to pay that money back?.


It did not come free then..........any government with big surplus will be able to do what Rudd did.


As I stated I did not support all the stimulus terms of the former govt, even if its heart was in the right place. It did prevent a slow down or worse at a time when a lot of the world was heading down.

As such the population was largely cushioned from economic downturn. The negative thing being no future fund available of any note that would have guaranteed Australia's longer term future. Norway being the prime example where that nation got it right.


Sadly short termism has long plagued Australia and the election cycle doesn't help. Probably Australia was riding so high at the time that the abrupt downturn in the resource sector had not been properly factored in. But I fully agree mistakes were made. Both parties do it though. I was never a supporter of the Baby Bonus nor Home Buyers Payments both introduced by the Conservatives. It was very wrong to artificially keep the cost of housing inflated and continuing to do so, but that seems to be the story regardless of party.

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I think it is only fair that Abbott has his go at making a mess of it, after all, Rudd has already had his chance. The Labour party had good reason to stab him in the back but in their dotage they seem to have forgotten why.

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Guest Ptp113
of course "The Mad Monk" maintains he's not misogynistic [ATTACH=CONFIG]19999[/ATTACH] yeah really I'm not


Its OK to say cock on Top Gear so I'll say it here, "he's an A grade cock"

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

Looking from the outside here in the UK, Rudd was PM when Australia had huge growth in its economy and really low unemployment, which makes him look like a superstar of a politician compared to our politicians who nearly bankrupted the UK and saw wages drop by £52 Billion pounds. Abbott is an unknown quantity, so to me it's a no brainer, it would be Rudd all day long.

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Sir Les and Sprintman, so you think women and men are the same? I've got news for you they are not. Conversely, it can be said that men will never dominate or equal women in a large number of areas because their aptitudes, abilities and interests are different. I would also like to know in which context the words, which were quote, were spoken. As he lives in a household of women, I doubt they would be said in derogatory manner. Some people will do anything to show someone they dislike in a bad light. Pity really.

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Guest Ptp113
Sir Les and Sprintman, so you think women and men are the same? I've got news for you they are not. Conversely, it can be said that men will never dominate or equal women in a large number of areas because their aptitudes, abilities and interests are different. I would also like to know in which context the words, which were quote, were spoken. As he lives in a household of women, I doubt they would be said in derogatory manner. Some people will do anything to show someone they dislike in a bad light. Pity really.

He's the nastiest piece of work in politics today. There was another ex politician who was worse, but no names, no pack drill. Oh and Hansard can disprove some of your 'facts'. And I've been here about the same length of time as you and worked in Parliament House for 3 1/2 years. Possibly more knowledge about the goings there than you and your ilk?

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Thanks for your views it's fascinating to me. I personally favour Rudd as from what I have seen of Abbott he does make my skin crawl. I really never liked Gillard but she did shoe such grace at what happened to her however that could have been because she had done exactly the same a few years earlier. Thank goodness Uve a few years yet before I have to make up my mind. Thanks for everyone's contributions though. Workers rights, equality and Gay Marriage are high on my list of things I'd like to see happen with obviously the economy being very important. So many issues, I need to get reading !:yes:

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

I like your avatar picture, is that you smelling the roses? I like blondes, they get dirty quicker, lol

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I can't wait to be back in August just in time for the election when Rudd set's the new date. I find Australian politics more personal, quite aggressive and direct maybe because it's a lot smaller than here in UK in terms of seats and members I mean. Love it. It's the year of the Jesuit of course, Jesuit Pope, and Abbot was once a Jesuit seminary if I remember rightly. So who knows. When Labour kicked out Rudd last time the man publicly cried, showed his emotion. This time when he signed in with the Gov General, he looked like the Cat that caught the Cream. I always liked Rudd looking in from a public perspective, but I can't help thinking he really is a Power Mad Dictator as many in his own Party claim. He would have been better off letting Gillard fall on her sword in the election and then dump her saying "I did warn you" but I think his thirst for power took over and will ultimately be his undoing. He faces a near on impossible task to turn a 14% losing position around in the polls in just a few months.


Many of my Queenslander friends call him a slime ball, (not my words) but from a Landslide Victory in 2007 to being Kicked Out by your Own in 2010, and now back in power again, Facts say something is wrong there somehow. I got no say in it all, but I'd suggest give Abbot a go and see what happens. If he screws up, the Australian public and Poli's will soon Out him. I just feel annoyed that all this is distracting from the success and need for running the Country and the Australian Economy well, especially at a dangerous time now with the China slowdown. It should be all eye's on the ball now not egotistic fighting for power between these "Blokes" Just an opinion of an Outsider looking in, who admires and loves the Country.

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He's the nastiest piece of work in politics today. There was another ex politician who was worse, but no names, no pack drill. Oh and Hansard can disprove some of your 'facts'. And I've been here about the same length of time as you and worked in Parliament House for 3 1/2 years. Possibly more knowledge about the goings there than you and your ilk?


What 'facts" of mine can be disproved by Hansard? I gave my opinion on the attributes of men and women. I also gave my opinion on the quote you took from Sir Les. Please give me the reference for the Hansard entry which you alluded to. People can work in places for many years without knowing or learning very much. A lot depends on intellect.

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