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Kevin Rudd or Tony Abbott?

Que Sera Sera

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Well it's is a bit tricky isn't it? After all, how do we know who will be Labour Leader the day after polling day? Knifing two leaders in three years is a pretty poor show. So you may elect Rudd, but then two days later in comes someone else who you didn't vote for!

I think praising Kevin for avoiding the Global Financial Crisis is a bit dodgy, first of all he inherited an enormous surplus to splurge from his LNP predecessors, which he blew PDQ, and secondly unlike Europe and the USA he had the mega profits of the resources boom to dish out, again, which he got through in short order as well.

So in summary, under Labour, Australia has gone from a record surplus, to a record deficit in six short years, whilst knifing their last two Prime Ministers. The dollar is in freefall, the effect of which is mitigated only because large chunks of the country have been dug up and flogged off to China.

Meanwhile, the LNP has been in "cruise control" with only one policy..........."we are not Julia Gillards Labour Party."

Now it will get interesting, because the LNP will actually have to earn votes, and they may have left it too late.

Interesting times ahead.

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