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Secret harbour families

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We are a British family in Secret Harbour and have been here 9 months. Kids are doing well at school and making plenty of friends but OH and I are struggling to meet other families because we both work. i work in city so don't do the school run. Hubby collects kids but playground is full of mums really rather than dads so he doesn't get much of a look in. We've got the kids in sports clubs and love having family days out but would really like to improve our social circle. Get in touch if you are in similar situation.

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Hi we lived in Secret Harbour for a couple of years. Our son went to Comet Bay Primary. Try posting on PIO's sister site Perth Poms its more local quite a lot of members here and on Perth Poms are in Secret Harbour. It's winter now so not as easy to make friends but the Golf club on a Friday was full of families as was the Whistling Kite early doors. It's not easy when your working I know but don't stop trying. I think they have stuff going on in the community centre too. Good luck x


P.S. have you tried the Secret Harbour Facebook page too? X

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