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Does Australia have an equivalent to the UK Child Benefit ?

saunders 5

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Not quite sure where to post this but do you as a family receive any kind of Child Benefit like the UK if you have Permanent Residency in Australia ?

Is anyone able to tell me how much it is ? We have three children and just trying to weigh it all up financially.

Many thanks :)

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It depends on how much you earn, so it is hard to give you a figure. It is called family assistance and is means tested (based on your salary). There is also child rebate, which is basically where you get some money back if you use child care - again this is means tested.


The extra money does make a difference for sure , but it really should not be used as part of the financial plan/ put into the equation when planning to move here.

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I think its definitely worth taking the payments into consideration as it can be a few hundred a fortnight depending on your circumstances. If in receipt of Family Assis A and B you also get the school bonus, just over $400 per primary school child and $800 pr High school child. Its paid in 2 payments throughout the tax year. Then there is rent assistance, the amount varies depending on your income but can come in handy until your up and running (and earning ).


Hope this helps

Cal x

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True - but benefits are fickle as has been seen in the UK. Govts can change them, so it's best not to rely on them.


But for now check out http://australia.gov.au/topics/benefits-payments-and-services/family-payments-and-services/family-payments-and-allowances


I think its definitely worth taking the payments into consideration as it can be a few hundred a fortnight depending on your circumstances. If in receipt of Family Assis A and B you also get the school bonus, just over $400 per primary school child and $800 pr High school child. Its paid in 2 payments throughout the tax year. Then there is rent assistance, the amount varies depending on your income but can come in handy until your up and running (and earning ).


Hope this helps

Cal x

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If your using family benefit to justify in financially your in trouble to begin with.


Beware of budgeting on govt benefits - here today gone tomorrow (see recent application of FBT )


Agree. If benefits have to come into it, then this does not add up for you.

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Well all I can say is you Patronising Pig Ignorant Lot !

(except you Cal who has always been helpful with any advice)

My husband and I have worked full time all our lives, have three children, studied at Uni for Bsc and Msc whilst also working full time and you have the cheek to say I want to live in Aus on benefits.

How dare you !

We have lived in Qld for over 4yrs on a 457 working as a nurse we are now lucky enough to get our PR.

In the UK every family has been entitled to Child Benefit or Family Allowance as it used to be called. We are not relying on "benefits" as you put it to return but as we are not millionaires either it all helps!

Rant over & go get a life !

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Well all I can say is you Patronising Pig Ignorant Lot !

(except you Cal who has always been helpful with any advice)

My husband and I have worked full time all our lives, have three children, studied at Uni for Bsc and Msc whilst also working full time and you have the cheek to say I want to live in Aus on benefits.

How dare you !

We have lived in Qld for over 4yrs on a 457 working as a nurse we are now lucky enough to get our PR.

In the UK every family has been entitled to Child Benefit or Family Allowance as it used to be called. We are not relying on "benefits" as you put it to return but as we are not millionaires either it all helps!

Rant over & go get a life !




Not one person here said you wanted to live on benefits.


Everyone gave good advice about not putting it into the equation too much when planning, as it can vary a lot!


People will be a lot less likely to offer you any advice on here when you are so rude.


It's a shame, as posts like yours put people off from offering advice.

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Where in my question did I say I was relying on this money ???


I think you are being a bit harsh. You said you were trying to "weigh it up financially" and you did not say that you lived here and would not have relocation expenses etc. I think you inferred that it was an important consideration, even if that is not what you meant.


Call Centrelink and they will give you accurate advice for your new circumstances.

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I'm a very placid person but this was just insulting !

I asked a general question that relates to money everyone in the UK has been entitled to up until this year when the Govt brought in an income fresh hold.


The only person who has been insulting is you and you did ask in the Australian context, not the UK.

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Getting back to topic ,It's worth mentioning too that Centrelink payments are means tested and you are expected to predict all future earnings in the coming year which can be difficult to keep track of if you get shift allowance or overtime . We underestimated because of this in our first year here and ended up with a fairly hefty bill payable 3 weeks before Christmas which was a pain.

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Well all I can say is you Patronising Pig Ignorant Lot !

(except you Cal who has always been helpful with any advice)

My husband and I have worked full time all our lives, have three children, studied at Uni for Bsc and Msc whilst also working full time and you have the cheek to say I want to live in Aus on benefits.

How dare you !

We have lived in Qld for over 4yrs on a 457 working as a nurse we are now lucky enough to get our PR.

In the UK every family has been entitled to Child Benefit or Family Allowance as it used to be called. We are not relying on "benefits" as you put it to return but as we are not millionaires either it all helps!

Rant over & go get a life !


I wouldn't get your t1ts in a tangle over it if i were you, you have every right to ask the question as that is at the end of the day what this site is for, just cherry pick the answers that may be helpful and ignore the rest.

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Well all I can say is you Patronising Pig Ignorant Lot !

(except you Cal who has always been helpful with any advice)

My husband and I have worked full time all our lives, have three children, studied at Uni for Bsc and Msc whilst also working full time and you have the cheek to say I want to live in Aus on benefits.

How dare you !

We have lived in Qld for over 4yrs on a 457 working as a nurse we are now lucky enough to get our PR.

In the UK every family has been entitled to Child Benefit or Family Allowance as it used to be called. We are not relying on "benefits" as you put it to return but as we are not millionaires either it all helps!

Rant over & go get a life !


Suck it up


Not quite sure where to post this but do you as a family receive any kind of Child Benefit like the UK if you have Permanent Residency in Australia ?

Is anyone able to tell me how much it is ? We have three children and just trying to weigh it all up financially.

Many thanks :)!


When you use quotes such as weigh it up of course we are right to make assumptions about it being a close call.


If you cant take helpful advise don't whinge after. It was guided in good faith and all you have done is retaliated foolishly.


Suck it up

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When I first read your post I thought you were a family in the UK trying to find out what benefits are available in Australia as you were trying to budget for moving and I am sure most other people thought that as well. If you cannot put a question across in the correct context how do you expect people to answer in the correct context. Remind me never to try and help you.

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When I first read your post I thought you were a family in the UK trying to find out what benefits are available in Australia as you were trying to budget for moving and I am sure most other people thought that as well. If you cannot put a question across in the correct context how do you expect people to answer in the correct context. Remind me never to try and help you.


Well said.

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