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Agreed to try for Two Years - has this worked for anyone


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We are just the same. We go in October and had said 2 years but have now agreed on 4. it fits better with our childrens education. it means my eldest will finish school and my middle son will be ready for secondary school in Australia and we can get citizenship and give our children the choice of where to live when they are adults. Although we are both hoping to stay for a long time :)


Also, hopefully it is easier to say "see you later" than "goodbye" when we leave.


You never know what is around the next corner.


Good luck x

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Hi there,


We're looking at doing a similar thing. My husband is hoping to get sponsorship (via a 457 visa) - probably next Autumn - and for us to go over for a few years, try and obtain PR if possible (to keep the door open incase we love it but have to return to the UK for some reason) and, if we hate it, chalk it down to experience. The money does concern us - we'd be crazy for it not to - but the way we see it is it's better to regret the things you HAVE done than the things you haven't. We've been pondering this for years and now we've lost too many points (due to age) procrastinating, so a 457 is our only route in. If we love it then great, either we stay (if possible) or return with happy memories. If we hate it then at least we'll have given it a go and won't regret never having tried it, and hating it would make our return to the UK a comparatively positive one. We just don't want to be on our deathbeds many (hopefully) years from now, stuck in the UK, never having given it a shot. Life is short. We may get cancer tomorrow or our parents may die next week. If either of those happen then Australia is out of the question. Doing it within the next year or so means we can hopefully get it out of our systems (tick the box, so to speak) and come back and stay in the UK forever, knowing we've at least given it a shot.


Hope all that makes sense!


I-F :-)





I completely agree. Life is short and you have to make the most of it while you can. I firmly believe also that you shouldn't live life with regrets... for my husband and I, we've been dreaming about it since we first went together as teenagers 7 years ago. If we don't give it ago we'll regret it. I think that stands for anyone who has the dream! Just give it ago while you can!


We're going to try it for two years as well and just see what happens. We're in it together and while people have been saying couples separate while they are there due to wanting different things we have a strong relationship and will stand by each other throughout, if one wants to go home we go together.


I say go for it!!!

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Hi Everyone. Thank you for all the comments it does make good reading and am taking all points on board. Sorry about not responding moved house couple of weeks ago and still waiting for internet to get set up, not sure how anybody could cope without it now.


Had discussion over weekend together and feel more confident about the whole process. Funny how it seems easier to discuss things with complete strangers than loved ones.....


Going to apply for ANMAC now, hopefully have this in right order. Still feels along way away though from going though under 18 months and counting...





Many Thanks


Once you've got the idea it's difficult to shift it! But good for you and good luck...

Have you sat your english language test - the IELTS yet? ANMAC say any applicant from outside Australia needs to sit the test. May be better to do this before applying.

Hope this helps.

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Hi nursesam, yes the IELTS is out of the way, so glad I didn't have to take it. We are obviously just a few months behind you in the process. When are you looking to move?



Hi Wokos, this is the reason we have gone for 2 years/ 2 1/2 years due to childrens education it would mean our eldest starting school in Australia, Jan 2015, but also if we were to come back in 2 1/2 years our youngest would start school in the UK, Sept 2017. Feels strange discussing dates over 4 years away.

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We're the same in terms of we'll go for x period of time and see how it goes. We've said two years as well but may well take that to the minimum for citizenship so that we have flexibility, should we want it, in the future. Another issue for us is that we absolutely love our existing house. Plan would be to rent it out first and then perhaps sell later if we're all settled in Oz and to sell it from a distance when we haven't been in it will not be so much of a wrench. Everybody's circumstances are different, and its incredibly important to do what's right for you.

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Hi Wokos, this is the reason we have gone for 2 years/ 2 1/2 years due to childrens education it would mean our eldest starting school in Australia, Jan 2015, but also if we were to come back in 2 1/2 years our youngest would start school in the UK, Sept 2017. Feels strange discussing dates over 4 years away.


It definitely does feel weird. My youngest will start school in Jan 2015 too. Where are you hoping to move too?

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Hi Wokos. We are hoping to move to Brisbane at the moment although this may change depending on the job situation. We are hoping the opening of the new childrens hospital in Brisbane end of 2014 will create a few more job opportunities for Paediatric Nurses. How about you?

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We are flying to Brisbane in October and staying on the south Gold Coast. Then we will look from there. We have a few areas we like the look of but you can only get so much of a feel from the Internet and google maps :) it also depends on where my husband gets a job. hope it all goes well for you!

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I spent a year in Australia on a WHV and i hated it, however i was only in Darwin and Perth. I did happen to fall in love with an aussi tho, so i am currently waiting my Australia partner visa and il willing to give it one year. If it dont work out then he is applying for his Uk Visa. So im kind of in a similar position

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Hi Verystormy. Thanks for your reply I am very aware of this and hence why we have not gone yet as I would never apply for the visa without total commitment as like most others I don't have £4k (now) to just throw at something. I suppose this is the problem my wife says she is now 100% committed to go for two years and is now the one pushing the move and wanting to go.


I assume you quote £4k as being the cost of the visa? Because if you add flights and potential time spent looking for work the total will be nearer £20k

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We are flying to Brisbane in October and staying on the south Gold Coast. Then we will look from there. We have a few areas we like the look of but you can only get so much of a feel from the Internet and google maps :) it also depends on where my husband gets a job. hope it all goes well for you!



Wokos...we are also heading to Brisbane Sept/October time...maybe see you there :D

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Hi Graham. Yes £4K is the cost of the visa, gutted that if we would have pulled our fingers out previously when we discussed it could have saved £2k oh well. Yes have got down a total of £25k to make the move from start to finish approx £12.5k to get us there and £12.5k to take across with us. Obviously these are only rough estimates.

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Debbio......... Great. How exciting and nerve racking is it ;) see you there :)


Well I am looking out the window of my office at big grey sky's and the rain has been torrential this morning...to say I am excited at the thought of heading right into the Ozzie summer would be an understatement :D


We are heading to the Mount Cotton area initially and will have a look around from there.


Keeps me posted on your adventures x x

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We're planning on living in Fremantle, Perth for two years as this is somewhere I totally love the look of and we'll most likely be looking at WA sponsored migration. If it doesn't work out after that time then we'll move to Melbourne where I know loads of people and see if things feel different with friends already formed around us. . .if that doesn't work we'll get citizenship and think about new options :cool:

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