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Hot sunny weather what are the benefits?

Guest The Ropey HOFF

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For some yes but for the old and ill it has not nice hoff, I have not enjoyed the heatwave at all, give me 20 to 25 anyday, I think most people are fed up with it now and want some cooler weather.


Sorry PB, didn't realise you were old and ill. Always had you pictured as a fit, youngish guy who would be out on the mountain bike checking ut all the hot chicks in their summer gear.:wink:

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This fear of the sun is making people sick..you actually are advised to get your lower legs, arms and face exposed to direct sun every single day to ensure your body makes enough vit d. Deficiency is common with sunscreen use so rife here. Theres a set number of recommended mins, I think its only 10 mins in summer if that....more in Winter but no sunscreen allowed!


Your body generates a lot of vitamin D by the sunlight coming through your eyes. No need to get your skin in it if you are worried about it. Not that I am, but it seems that a fair few are a bit obsessed.

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
I wrote on another thread about my son. He's on a 3 month holiday at the moment and after being in the Greek Islands and then Croatia on boat tours for a couple of weeks he had a week in Manchester with relies and a week in London where he caught up with a mate. He went to Spain from there and skyped us from his hotel in Spain. He said he was glad to get out of the UK as most people were miserable and moaned all the time, that was when the weather was still bad. He's back in Manchester now and the weathers good. He says it's like being in a different place than when he was there a few weeks earlier. Everyones happier, more upbeat, going out more.


All because of the weather (and maybe the royal baby?).:cool:


Yer right mate. It's a different country when the weathers nice, I have had the same conversation with folk a thousand times in summer, which goes something like ....... No bloody summer again for us. But not this year, it's been fantastic and I'm loving as are most folk apart from a couple of oldies on here who moan about it being too hot and humid. Lol

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

Ignore old misery guts, lol. this is about what the benefits are of hot sunny weather, to me it raises me Sap, lol

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
I like normal summer temps 25 -30 does me and for the most part that is what we get in Melbourne.


There is an upside for having sunny days don't need vitamin D pills.


So many people are deficient in Vitamin D.



I think I read something about this, that a lot of Brits had to have vitamin D supplements, because of the lack of sunshine here in the UK, but ....... Not this year, nearly everyone has a nice tan and vitamin D topped up, that's another great thing about hot and sunny weather.

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I like normal summer temps 25 -30 does me and for the most part that is what we get in Melbourne.


There is an upside for having sunny days don't need vitamin D pills.


So many people are deficient in Vitamin D.

Don't need much sun to get your fix of it .....

Prolonged sun exposure does not cause your vitamin D levels to increase further, but does increase your risk of skin cancer. Short incidental exposure to the sun, such as walking from the office to get lunch, is the best way to produce vitamin D.


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I love hot weather but am not necessarily a fan of blazing sun...makes you have to squint your eyes and playing sports difficult.


Cloudy but warm would be ideally, I went Bangkok a few months ago and could happily live in that sort of climate. I'll have to start looking for jobs in Cairns!

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I love hot weather but am not necessarily a fan of blazing sun...makes you have to squint your eyes and playing sports difficult.


Cloudy but warm would be ideally, I went Bangkok a few months ago and could happily live in that sort of climate. I'll have to start looking for jobs in Cairns!

I am with you....hate the full sun whilst I play golf...golf is a pleasure when it is cloudy as I hit my ball quite a distance and lose it in full sun.

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

I've been lucky to have been hoff work for almost a month during our best summer since 1976 and it's been great, sitting out on a night having a drink, chilling out, just like we did when we were in Australia, it makes all the difference to me, it's good for your mind and body.

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