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Disabled children must share a room judgement...bedroom tax


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one big problem..there are no smaller houses as councils have found...why move an elderly couple who live in a two bedroom house or flat miles away from their support network and friends.....i honestly am seeing what some people are really like on this thread and it is not nice....


Not everyone has to have the same opinion as you, don't throw your toys out of the cot.

no one is saying kick them out onto the street.

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Not everyone has to have the same opinion as you, don't throw your toys out of the cot.

no one is saying kick them out onto the street.

When did I say kick them out on the street.....this is a pathetic bedroom tax by an inept government supported by people I am glad I am not friends with....I'm alright jack.....@@@@ the rest.

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When did I say kick them out on the street.....this is a pathetic bedroom tax by an inept government supported by people I am glad I am not friends with....I'm alright jack.....@@@@ the rest.


You didn't say kick them out on the street, re read my post again and you will see...........


support the idea of fully utilising the housing that the local authorities have and not wasting spare bedrooms if they are needed by larger families.

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You didn't say kick them out on the street, re read my post again and you will see...........


support the idea of fully utilising the housing that the local authorities have and not wasting spare bedrooms if they are needed by larger families.

Can't you see that there are No BLOODY ONE BEDROOMED HOUSES ABOUT....the government has admitted this.

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Really.....all that for nowt....who would have believed it :rolleyes:......I think you fail to regonise that the vast vast majority of people desperately want to work as shown as the hundreds who apply for one stacking job at tescos......hope you never lose your job and have to scrounge of the rest of those dirty scroungers.


And in the example I gave, the parents do work, where did I say that they do not? They still have all these lifestyle benefits thrown at them, it is no wonder the country is broke. It needs fixing and the government has the guts to make a start.

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And in the example I gave, the parents do work, where did I say that they do not? They still have all these lifestyle benefits thrown at them, it is no wonder the country is broke. It needs fixing and the government has the guts to make a start.

This government are inept and useless...the USA invested and are seeing big growth....the nasty party just cut cut cut and guess what...borrowing goes up as no one can find work as there are no jobs created....no jobs...more benifits you have to pay...it ain't rocket science.

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i think the old military camps that have been shut could offer a solution..


if you are of working age but longterm unemployed and have no underlying health issues you will be housed in a barrack block. your own room, but shared toilets showers and kitchen.

this will free up the housing stock for the truly needy.


if its good enough for our 'heroes' it is more than good enough for our 'zeroes'!

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i think the old military camps that have been shut could offer a solution..


if you are of working age but longterm unemployed and have no underlying health issues you will be housed in a barrack block. your own room, but shared toilets showers and kitchen.

this will free up the housing stock for the truly needy.


if its good enough for our 'heroes' it is more than good enough for our 'zeroes'!


You couldn't possibly do that to people

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And in the example I gave, the parents do work, where did I say that they do not? They still have all these lifestyle benefits thrown at them, it is no wonder the country is broke. It needs fixing and the government has the guts to make a start.

I, as a single person, am well used to supporting the weak of society and have no problem in doing so. I do have more of a problem in supporting the middle class welfare scroungers who receive Govt handouts (which includes child benefits) despite their income being substantially more than mine. Maybe means testing the value of their cars, holidays and property value should be taken into account or if they live in a 200k house, let them move to a 150k one before they get additional support. In Aus, maybe the tax system should be reformed to prevent Govt handouts in the form of negative gearing...I think then we would all clearly see who the real scroungers are.

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You couldn't possibly do that to people


i guess the military aren't people? to be honest, i got that impression when i was serving anyway, so ill end this post agreeing with you!


also it seems im not the only person who thinks like this.....http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/10217913/Stephen-Hawking-is-not-on-the-sick-so-disabled-should-not-be-says-GP.html

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i guess the military aren't people? to be honest, i got that impression when i was serving anyway, so ill end this post agreeing with you!


also it seems im not the only person who thinks like this.....http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/10217913/Stephen-Hawking-is-not-on-the-sick-so-disabled-should-not-be-says-GP.html


Interesting bit at the end,benefit fraud is less than 1%,doesnt something like 80 or 90% of Benefit payments go to those in work?

Subsidising companies that bank billions like Tesco and Asda and the like,thats what concerns me more,never hardly mentioned on here tho,but post something about "scroungers" and the self righteous flock to it in their hundreds

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Interesting bit at the end,benefit fraud is less than 1%,doesnt something like 80 or 90% of Benefit payments go to those in work?

Subsidising companies that bank billions like Tesco and Asda and the like,thats what concerns me more,never hardly mentioned on here tho,but post something about "scroungers" and the self righteous flock to it in their hundreds


i guess if the minions are pre occupied with the trivia, the government can line whoever's pockets they please.

i wonder whats better, obvious corruption, or the more subtle kind we're used to.

singapore have a good system, pay the MP's the same as a company CEO, big bucks, but if there's even a sniff of corruption, they loose everything.

got to be better than a 50k politician being driven by the highest bidder.

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i guess if the minions are pre occupied with the trivia, the government can line whoever's pockets they please.

i wonder whats better, obvious corruption, or the more subtle kind we're used to.

singapore have a good system, pay the MP's the same as a company CEO, big bucks, but if there's even a sniff of corruption, they loose everything.

got to be better than a 50k politician being driven by the highest bidder.


I commented on paying MP's more the other week,more money doesnt guarantee a better candidate,we've seen that a million times in business,besides,its not like "all" of them would be earning more in the private sector,theyre not all academic geniuses are they,maybe for those in real positions of responsibility,like the cabinet tho..

If someone actually "cares" about the constituency they represent,and thats my personal prerequisite for an MP,then 70k a year,all expenses paid,2nd home allowance and all the rest of it should be enuf,im more concerned about the poor/minimum wage rates than throwing more £ at the top end earners,who have seen their wages rise out of all proportion to the lower paid for what,the last 30 yrs or so?

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I can see the reasons behind it Cow,im not using it to have a dig at the tories,but making it work "fairly" is difficult without innocent parties suffering,like i say,it seems a no brainer to me,save a large part of 22 billion a year(if thats correct)by building decent affordable social housing,and kick start the building trade,but im no economist or expert obviously,but it "seems" straight forward


I'm with you Pablo, and there are noises coming from Labour about doing just that. However the tories have kickstarted another housing bubble with this mortgage guarantee scheme. House prices are going to go up and up until the next election, which will then make Labours flagship policy of building 400,000 social homes less palatable to all those who have seen the value of their houses going up for the first time in years, as more supply = less demand = house prices come down again. As always the tories are one step ahead of the game. In my opinion, homes should NEVER be seen as commodities to make money out of. They should be seen as homes pure and simple. It will reportedly take most single people something like 30 years to save up for a deposit for their first home and 10 years for a couple. Us oldies will have to accomodate our younguns into our old age to give them a hope in hell of getting on the housing ladder. What a crazy world we live in!!!

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I'm with you Pablo, and there are noises coming from Labour about doing just that. However the tories have kickstarted another housing bubble with this mortgage guarantee scheme. House prices are going to go up and up until the next election, which will then make Labours flagship policy of building 400,000 social homes less palatable to all those who have seen the value of their houses going up for the first time in years, as more supply = less demand = house prices come down again. As always the tories are one step ahead of the game. In my opinion, homes should NEVER be seen as commodities to make money out of. They should be seen as homes pure and simple. It will reportedly take most single people something like 30 years to save up for a deposit for their first home and 10 years for a couple. Us oldies will have to accomodate our younguns into our old age to give them a hope in hell of getting on the housing ladder. What a crazy world we live in!!!


I hope Labour do reverse it mate,really do,excellent points

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Interesting bit at the end,benefit fraud is less than 1%,doesnt something like 80 or 90% of Benefit payments go to those in work?

Subsidising companies that bank billions like Tesco and Asda and the like,thats what concerns me more,never hardly mentioned on here tho,but post something about "scroungers" and the self righteous flock to it in their hundreds



This is clearly my agree with Pablo day. The thing about benefit fraud sticks right in my craw. The facts are 0.7% of claimants commit benefit fraud; this costs the country £1.2 billion. Obviously we need this figure to come down, but with all systems, it is not fail safe. The amount of underpayments due to people not claiming who could or should, saves the country £1.3 billion. Tax avoidance costs the country an estimated £30 million (and that is at the most conservative end of the scale). When people are asked to say what percentage of claimants commit benefit fraud, the answer usually hovers around the 30% mark, a whole 29.3% over estimation! My mum in law is forever going on about benefit thieves, but when I challenge her and say, why don't you get as worked up about tax avoidance, she always says, oh yes that's wrong too. But its always the SECOND thought in her head, after I have directed her to think about it. That is what I find with most people. No prizes for guessing which paper she reads. The right wing press do a great job of getting us chickens to keep scrabbling in the dirt, fighting each other for the few bits of grain their buddies throw down at us. You see if we weren't always looking down, fighting amongst ourselves for the scraps, we might actually look up wards and we couldn't be having that could we. Who knows where it would end?

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If you've ever read The Ragged Trousered Philanthropist CJ you will know that this trait of attacking "our own" is endemic in the uk,always has been,as is the apathy to our "betters" and big business making merry with the over complicated tax system,30Billion is the very lowest estimate as you say,ive even seen 120 billion mentioned?

Anyway,im trying to stay away from politics tbh mate,on here anyway,im trying to be "good" !lmao

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If you've ever read The Ragged Trousered Philanthropist CJ you will know that this trait of attacking "our own" is endemic in the uk,always has been,as is the apathy to our "betters" and big business making merry with the over complicated tax system,30Billion is the very lowest estimate as you say,ive even seen 120 billion mentioned?

Anyway,im trying to stay away from politics tbh mate,on here anyway,im trying to be "good" !lmao



lol Pablo, its a hard drug to get off isn't it. I think I'm hooked for life like my great hero Tony Benn (just finished his diary by the way, and I highly recommend it!) I think the Ragged trousered philanthropist is a wonderful novel. The daily obscurer! What a title. So accurate. Sad there are so many daily obscurers of different names in circulation today. These papers don't follow opinion. They make it!

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They do make it mate,sad when the likes of Murdoch basically elect the gvnmt eh


it is mate. It's the saddest thing because its meant the Tories being in power five times more than any other party over the past century. Depressing because unless the press are regulated to provide balanced political reporting, it will never change. :confused:

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