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Immigration Bus, advert saying, Go Home'

Guest The Ropey HOFF

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
I really don't find it offensive, and who cares if it offends illegal immigrants? why should it offend anyone else? Illegals shouldn't be here in the first place.


I don't find it offensive either, but is there any point in it, I can't imagine hardly any of those living here illegally will even see it, or read what it says if it passes them, it's just a cheap gimmick to me, but that's the whole point I think.

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I don't find it offensive either, but is there any point in it, I can't imagine hardly any of those living here illegally will even see it, or read what it says if it passes them, it's just a cheap gimmick to me, but that's the whole point I think.

But you said you found it nasty? Why do you find it nasty but not offensive, and if you find it neither then why are you moaning about it, at least they are trying to do something.

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But you said you found it nasty? Why do you find it nasty but not offensive, and if you find it neither then why are you moaning about it, at least they are trying to do something.


One nation in Australia are doing the same trying to stop immigration

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
But you said you found it nasty? Why do you find it nasty but not offensive, and if you find it neither then why are you moaning about it, at least they are trying to do something.


I find it a nasty ploy, I personally don't find it offensive, I think it's a joke TBH, I'm moaning about the pointlessness of it, when our borders are soft and easy to pass due to government cuts and weak policy. UKIP have got the upper ground on immigration and Labour were hopeless, but the Tories say things, but nothing really changes, it's slightly better, but this to me is just a gimmick, trying to claw back votes.

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I find it a nasty ploy, I personally don't find it offensive, I think it's a joke TBH, I'm moaning about the pointlessness of it, when our borders are soft and easy to pass due to government cuts and weak policy. UKIP have got the upper ground on immigration and Labour were hopeless, but the Tories say things, but nothing really changes, it's slightly better, but this to me is just a gimmick, trying to claw back votes.


One problem Jim ukup are a joke , no economic policies, pull out of Europe who do you trade with , the us ? Naah they wa t the uk for Europe trading they're muppets

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I don't think that the ability to read English comes into it as most people are highly unlikely to ever see the buses themselves anyway. It has generated tons of publicity and that is the real point of the exercise. If I was in a country illegally with the level of debate on the issue it might make me feel more uncomfortable and I might be interested to know that there was assistance to help me back to my country of origin.


The main people to target should be those who employ illegal immigrants and the traffickers.

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I don't think they are worried really at all, well the majority of them, I remember that programme where the police stopped two illegal immigrants walking at the side of a motorway and they said they were in the country illegally. The police gave them a few quid and told them to report to the nearest immigration office, Yeah right.


You couldn't make it up could you? What's the point of the adverts - another waste of money.


I honestly don't think they need to stop immigration to the UK if it is needed, but they need to see who and what is needed and if you don't meet that criteria, then sorry we are closed.

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
I don't think that the ability to read English comes into it as most people are highly unlikely to ever see the buses themselves anyway. It has generated tons of publicity and that is the real point of the exercise. If I was in a country illegally with the level of debate on the issue it might make me feel more uncomfortable and I might be interested to know that there was assistance to help me back to my country of origin.


The main people to target should be those who employ illegal immigrants and the traffickers.


It was news for a couple of days, it's just a trick by this government to try and con others in to thinking they are tough on immigration, when they aren't unfortunately it might work.

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
One problem Jim ukip are a joke , no economic policies, pull out of Europe who do you trade with , the us ? Naah they wa t the uk for Europe trading they're muppets


People in the country are sick to death of the main political parties here in the UK theres less and less people voting and I know what you are saying about UKIP but the other parties have policies in their manifesto's and then go back on them, they are just lies. Cameron said leading up to the last election that he would give us a vote on Europe, when he got in power he said No' but the liar is now saying, he will give us a vote, if he gets in again. The public surely aren't that stupid to fall for this liars promises again are they?

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Guest scrumpy

Vans with the slogan "Stirring up tension and division in the UK illegally? Home Office, think again" have been driven around London by civil rights campaign group Liberty.


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I think the bit that you can't make up is that an advert aimed at telling illegal immigrants to go home is accused of being racist. It's not racist at all, it is telling you to go home because you are here illegally. It makes no reference to race. If you are not here illegally there is no need to take any offence, it is not aimed at you. If you are here illegally who really cares if you take offence or not, you are here illegally, go home!


The whole pandering to the EDL and UKIP bit is nonsense too, typical left wing tripe. This is nothing to do with racism, it is to do with people who have no right to be here and who need to go away.


Fair enough I doubt the adverts will have had much impact, but at least they are trying something, unlike labour who did absolutely nothing and just accused people of racism any time they questioned their ridiculous approach to immigration...


Absolutely right!!! Well said..!!

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
Absolutely right!!! Well said..!!


Have you seen the picture of the bus above?


I think I would be hard pushed to read any of it as it passed by.


How will most illegals be able to read it?


Is it to try and impress the public, or do you believe its aimed at illegals?

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Have you seen the picture of the bus above?


I think I would be hard pushed to read any of it as it passed by.


How will most illegals be able to read it?


Is it to try and impress the public, or do you believe its aimed at illegals?


I know one thing, I'm certainly not offended by it, even if a few illegals see it and think twice or it possibly makes them feel like their not welcome then good!

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
I know one thing, I'm certainly not offended by it, even if a few illegals see it and think twice or it possibly makes them feel like their not welcome then good!


Do you not think it's a government gimmick though, to close the gap on UKIP policy?

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Do you not think it's a government gimmick though, to close the gap on UKIP policy?


Maybe it is.. They most likely got a hell of a shock at the votes which UKIP did actually get, if they think this is a way of gaining votes back then I think they may need to think again.

But yet, I still do not have a problem with the advert.

It's not racist and shouldn't be at offensive unless your illegal.

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I know one thing, I'm certainly not offended by it, even if a few illegals see it and think twice or it possibly makes them feel like their not welcome then good!


As if any illegal would think along those lines. It is nothing but a PR stunt akin to the full page warnings in Australian press advising people that if you come by boat you will never be settled in Australia. A cynical move by government in both countries to give out an appearance.

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Maybe it is.. They most likely got a hell of a shock at the votes which UKIP did actually get, if they think this is a way of gaining votes back then I think they may need to think again.

But yet, I still do not have a problem with the advert.

It's not racist and shouldn't be at offensive unless your illegal.


It can certainly be seen as alarming. Border line racist taking into consideration the tabloid alarmist attitude. As EU immigrants have free access it is aimed at principally non white immigrants.

The solution would be for the government to maintain proper controls. It would appear they don't really know the numbers or whose in the country.

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There seems to be a bit of a taboo around immigration in the UK. A lot of immigrants, especially of they are illegal, will do jobs that very few Brits are willing to do such as office cleaners, agricultural work etc. I know of farmers near my hometown in Wiltshire that would be stuffed if they were forced to only hire British people. They are essentially filling a gap in the labour market.


Politically immigrants are an easy target but they are not taking the jobs of people that went to school in the UK and a lot of industries and companies would collapse without them.


I'd love for UKIP to canvas at the farm mentioned above, I can guarantee he would challenge them to find him even one British person interested in working for him. Of course we could force people out of the service based jobs that most of the population now does but is that really progress? It's the same when people complain about most things these days being made in China and the UK not having a manufacturing industry anymore, I bet the same people wouldn't fancy leaving their jobs to work in a factory so accept that it's a good thing!

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