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Brits getting happier and happier


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Im happy....have been for as long as I can remember....always try and be positive....where I live helps.


That report was first conducted last year when we had the olympics, the jubilee etc so there was already a good vibe to the country so to improve on that again this year is pretty good....

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Guest Ptp113

No escaping the fact that the queue of poms trying to enter Oz gets longer every day. They know where they would rather be, and it ain't Blighty!

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I think the Olympics, Royal Baby, winning a few other sporting events and the great weather will certainly put a number of people on a high.Also seeing pictures of full beaches and happy media headlines instead of doom and gloom is setting a possitive vibe.

Its good to know things are looking up after the hard times the UK has had this last few years and lets hope it continues for a long time yet.


Cal x

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

Well the UK shot up 15 places in the league table of best places in the world to live, up to number 10 which is 10 places behind Australia, which of course is still at number one. We are lucky to have the choice of living in either country and it's good to see Blighty coming out of the doldrums it's been in for the last 5 years, lets hope it continues.

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Well the UK shot up 15 places in the league table of best places in the world to live, up to number 10 which is 10 places behind Australia, which of course is still at number one. We are lucky to have the choice of living in either country and it's good to see Blighty coming out of the doldrums it's been in for the last 5 years, lets hope it continues.

I think you made the right choice Hoff.

Leeds is lurverly too mate:laugh:

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