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Britain is Booming

Guest The Pom Queen

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70K a year? Just shows money dont get you evertyhing



But that's not a lot....we have to pay for my car and I travel with work fuel coat me £120 per month school dinner £10 per week each and that's inc dance classes and swim because schools only do free swimm in 1 year of primary. My daughter is exceptional at swimming and squash at 9 yrs and the nearest club is 20 miles away and they start at 5.30 3 times a week Weil I work so don't have the luxury. To top it all off we don't get chance to see our friends because are all,knackered working, and if we could the weather is bad. 20 degree today in summer...so this year we have had 4 weeks of warm weather give or take some floods.


Labour screwed this country I worked for the council as a senior manager and saw what waste we had. People were earning more than me and my husband for doing nothing. Holidays to,Florida just ask the unemployed Brits......

Sorry offended anyone :-(

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Guest scrumpy

Its true, hard earned money just dose not seem to go any where near as far as it use to, and regardless what the total income is, a hard working couple, should have a spare cash


I cant say I know anyone on benefits that have gone,

But then again if max household benefits are capped at £26k, and they manage a trip like that, and you cant on £71K, maybe theres a money managment issue here?

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When they are not hanging around in the park:biglaugh:


Yeah,or collecting their DWP supplied Jet Ski's,not forgetting the flat screen TV's,that ones always mentioned lol


2.5 million unemployed and 500 thou (at most) "so called " jobs available ,do the maths

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Sorry to bore you all....but it's not quite how it seems when here. If you will allow I will tell you a story :-)


My husband is a civil engineer for a big company balfour beatty....they have just made massive cuts (especially in the North West) he has been in civils for a long time and is now a project manager for 5 sites....job losses above and no pay rise for 4 years and now took his car allowance off him....£39K for this level and a 60 hour week....

I work as a customer service manager in a contact centre doing 45 hours a week for a rubbish company with no benefits earning £32k. i don't see my kids and we are struggling. Our weekly food bill for healthy food is £145, my council tax is £159, gas and electric is £170 per month and mortgage is £1000 for a 3 bedroom house!!! We have lost 30K on our house in price value (Its not going up) and the we did £30k work on it to improve and they valued it less than what we paid. To spend time in the gym (no parks because they are full of well scum!) this cost us £125 per week.


I know things are not always greener over there, but please don't think it is easier here. xxxxx

Move area, new jobs .. Sorted

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Exactly move to Perth! Or do you mean in the uk...... Really? Tried that one. Urmmmm worse off because we can't sell our house at a profit our 90k equity has gone to 30 to buy the same house an extra 100k in a **** area and wait child care as I would have to work longer hour to commute is an extra 200 per child per month more.....oh by the way to commute 10 miles to the city centre......take 1 hr 20 on a good day and to park and walk 20 min in...cost 20 quid a week.... Tried and tested trust me.... :-(

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Exactly move to Perth! Or do you mean in the uk...... Really? Tried that one. Urmmmm worse off because we can't sell our house at a profit our 90k equity has gone to 30 to buy the same house an extra 100k in a **** area and wait child care as I would have to work longer hour to commute is an extra 200 per child per month more.....oh by the way to commute 10 miles to the city centre......take 1 hr 20 on a good day and to park and walk 20 min in...cost 20 quid a week.... Tried and tested trust me.... :-([/quotewill you be better off in oz in all aspects of your life...? Remember the cost of living here is much higher than the uk.
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Guest The Ropey HOFF
Exactly move to Perth! Or do you mean in the uk...... Really? Tried that one. Urmmmm worse off because we can't sell our house at a profit our 90k equity has gone to 30 to buy the same house an extra 100k in a **** area and wait child care as I would have to work longer hour to commute is an extra 200 per child per month more.....oh by the way to commute 10 miles to the city centre......take 1 hr 20 on a good day and to park and walk 20 min in...cost 20 quid a week.... Tried and tested trust me.... :-([/quotewill you be better off in oz in all aspects of your life...? Remember the cost of living here is much higher than the uk.


You forgot to mention, your earning great money in Oz which is allowing you to pay off your mortgage really quick, financially your far better off in Australia.

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Exactly move to Perth! Or do you mean in the uk...... Really? Tried that one. Urmmmm worse off because we can't sell our house at a profit our 90k equity has gone to 30 to buy the same house an extra 100k in a **** area and wait child care as I would have to work longer hour to commute is an extra 200 per child per month more.....oh by the way to commute 10 miles to the city centre......take 1 hr 20 on a good day and to park and walk 20 min in...cost 20 quid a week.... Tried and tested trust me.... :-(


No shortage of people in Perth with a commute longer than that. Look at all those that live in areas such as mandurah like myself. It's 60km to Perth - just under an hour on the train. Plus the drive to the station. Plus the bus to the office and the train is full from mandurah with people doing it every day. Why? Because most can't afford to live in Perth anymore - most of the central Perth suburbs have a price tag of over $1 million.

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Sorry to bore you all....but it's not quite how it seems when here. If you will allow I will tell you a story :-)


My husband is a civil engineer for a big company balfour beatty....they have just made massive cuts (especially in the North West) he has been in civils for a long time and is now a project manager for 5 sites....job losses above and no pay rise for 4 years and now took his car allowance off him....£39K for this level and a 60 hour week....

I work as a customer service manager in a contact centre doing 45 hours a week for a rubbish company with no benefits earning £32k. i don't see my kids and we are struggling. Our weekly food bill for healthy food is £145, my council tax is £159, gas and electric is £170 per month and mortgage is £1000 for a 3 bedroom house!!! We have lost 30K on our house in price value (Its not going up) and the we did £30k work on it to improve and they valued it less than what we paid. To spend time in the gym (no parks because they are full of well scum!) this cost us £125 per week.


I know things are not always greener over there, but please don't think it is easier here. xxxxx

I have a 3 bed house and if I just paid the mortgage only it would cost me £120 a month I could understand slightly if you lived in London but as you said they are losing money I guess it is north ward so your mortgage must be very large & my gym cost £32 a month. If this is the case then you took the decision. I find the uk improving daily. ( sorry if I got it wrong & your the Queen of England )
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Have to agree, up here in the North east, house prices not going up


If it keeps improving my niece in Melton Mowbray might eventually be able to move out of her terrace house with 3 kids that they got a 100% mortgage on and have negative equity in still. I'm not sticking up for her btw, she and her husband are silly beyond belief in my reckoning.

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If it keeps improving my niece in Melton Mowbray might eventually be able to move out of her terrace house with 3 kids that they got a 100% mortgage on and have negative equity in still. I'm not sticking up for her btw, she and her husband are silly beyond belief in my reckoning.

Do they have semi detached houses up north...?

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its around 20c for the rest of the month ......perfect .........24c today in perth i here ........oh dear , how warm is the summer going to be ?


Yes not been a bad winter really, pretty standard, as you'll remember bunbury. I'm sure the summer will be just great like it always is.:cool:


Having said that though we've just had about the wettest 24hrs I can remember since we've been here. Not stopped raining since last night and more forecast today. Like everyone says though, I guess we need it, or at least the farmers and the wheatbelt do.

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Some are but most don't..


Most are just happy to live the same sort of life they had in the UK but with the benefits of a nice climate, beaches close.. A lot of us didn't come here with the intention or expectation of making lots of money and scrimping to pay the mortgage off quickly.


Just came for the better lifestyle package. The mortgage will get paid off about the same rate as it would if we had been back in the UK.

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No shortage of people in Perth with a commute longer than that. Look at all those that live in areas such as mandurah like myself. It's 60km to Perth - just under an hour on the train. Plus the drive to the station. Plus the bus to the office and the train is full from mandurah with people doing it every day. Why? Because most can't afford to live in Perth anymore - most of the central Perth suburbs have a price tag of over $1 million.


We've been through that bulldust on other threads not long ago. Most people that live in Mandurah do so 'cos they like the area. I live 30km North and drive to Stirling Highway every day. Live there because we like the suburb, not because we couldn't afford anywhere closer in. Come down the Coast road, nice drive, sea views most of the way and it takes 45 mins. Free parking at work, nice relaxing drive. Wouldn't like to come on the freeway every day, that would be stressful I'll admit, but compared to most major Cities and even some busy towns (Stockport for one) we don't realise how lucky we are traffic wise.

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Reading some of the previous posts that its such a struggle in the UK.


It IS getting better in the UK but wasn't that bad before in the south, still more work there than here in a boom due to it being a larger market place for jobs.

The work has shifted to the south years ago so get off your backside and go to work down there! it wont come to you.


British people are lazy and wet I'm sad to say, take a look at Germany and how well there doing: free childcare or less cost, women look after the kids instead of working to pay for childcare, lots of employment, less hours spent at work, higher wages, generally a better life and many doing well and happy.


Well here's a wake up, if your struggling in the UK you will struggle a lot more here in Oz.


Dont believe the rubbish about higher wages, your paid in dollars that's why the numerical amount is more!!! you spend more and are taxed more and the dollar is falling like a brick so if you do sell up and exchange it all then you wont afford to come back to the UK


And why do you have to own a house here in Oz, its cheaper renting. Buy a house when you can afford it or when they become cheaper as there peak cost right now. If you dont buy you will be much better off with no council rates or massive mortgage to pay. Go buy a paddle board instead!

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Sorry to bore you all....but it's not quite how it seems when here. If you will allow I will tell you a story :-)


My husband is a civil engineer for a big company balfour beatty....they have just made massive cuts (especially in the North West) he has been in civils for a long time and is now a project manager for 5 sites....job losses above and no pay rise for 4 years and now took his car allowance off him....£39K for this level and a 60 hour week....

I work as a customer service manager in a contact centre doing 45 hours a week for a rubbish company with no benefits earning £32k. i don't see my kids and we are struggling. Our weekly food bill for healthy food is £145, my council tax is £159, gas and electric is £170 per month and mortgage is £1000 for a 3 bedroom house!!! We have lost 30K on our house in price value (Its not going up) and the we did £30k work on it to improve and they valued it less than what we paid. To spend time in the gym (no parks because they are full of well scum!) this cost us £125 per week.


I know things are not always greener over there, but please don't think it is easier here. xxxxx


Well, you still better off than we are because for similar jobs, the two of us only bringing in much less. And yes, we have to think what we buying, because nothing is left at the end of the month. I am an area CS Manager for Heinz and hubby is an Accountant. We never worked 40 hours in our lives, and I don't think hubby ever worked under 50 in his life. Not only that, but we do not feel appreciated. For this year when the annual evaluation came, for my good work all I got is a promise of a £100 pound (yes, one HUNDRED spread for the whole year) raise, which could not be implemented "because the company doesn't know if we made any profits". Bullocks! But, we both handing in our notices this week and booking our flights out. OZ may not be a better place (we think it is thats how we see it), but at least the sun shines every day.

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