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Do you ever?

nancy and paul

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Guest guest30085
Do you ever just get so pissed off with friends, family, work and every day living and people taking advantage makes you count down the days to get away from it all?


Oh dear, hope you're ok, just keep looking forward :)


And yes to all, except my immediate family, Im very lucky with mine, but the rest of it then yes ;)

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Guest guest30085
Hi Adonna thank you for your reply and I'm glad you've got family supporting you. My day hasn't been great so far we've just found out today that our oz fund is gone as money we were due in from a company for work has now went into liquidation so there goes 25 grand found out my sister who I brought up and was terrified of telling her about going to oz has been a little bit dishonest. Pisses off is an understatement, oz Is our dream but there always seems to be something delaying us but were not giving up every negative has a positive so were a little delayed but well get there


Im sorry to hear that :hug:


Be peed off for a few days, you're allowed. Then start to make plans on how you will deal with each problem. One day at a time as someone said to me recently, after I'd had a particularly crap time, and it's true, you slowly start to be able to deal with things again. Best of luck to you x

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Oh I'm sorry to hear you've had a crap time, I hope you've got it sorted now. :) I know one day at a time and were adjusting our plans but I think what scares me is I'm disconnecting to this life so easy, I feel like I've actually opened my eyes and seen what's going on round about me, and I'm sorry to say but I have no regrets about leaving it all behind .x

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Guest Guest16631
Do you ever just get so pissed off with friends, family, work and every day living and people taking advantage makes you count down the days to get away from it all?



........it can happen at any time......!

.......for many reasons.......

........you just have to keep focused on what's right for you and yours.......

........we all ultimately have whats best for ourselves and our unit in our hearts.......

.........remember...you and yours are number 1 to you......

.........I wish you the best of luck......

.........your determination will get you there....

..........take care.......tink x

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Thank you tink, I know we might be delayed but we'll get there eventually because its something we need to do . There's been a few stumbling blocks along the way and its not stopped us yet .It just feels a bit strange to cut off from the world and do what's right for us and actually put us first without considering other people's opinions.x

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Guest Guest16631

.......sometimes you have to do just that......

.......only consider yourself....

.......spending a life time trying to please everyone else.....

......often just leads to feeling like your life is on hold.....waiting to move forward on your path.....

......it's a choice we make and by minimising the negative outcomes.....

.......is sometimes all we can do........

.........so love and live your life.........

.......others can choose their reactions......

........all the best and take care........tink x

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I'm with Tink, sometimes just taking a step back and being just your own little family unit is completely sensible. As for the Aussie fund " nothing that's worth it in life is easy to come by " We had £30,000 knocked off ours ( practically all ) by the housing market but we did it and so can you my lovely, keep your chin up and try to stay positive and don't let the bar stewards get you down :wubclub:

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Guest Guest16631

......what a lovely gesture......thank you....!

......and keep strong and focused......

......on where your journey leads.......tink x

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