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When does the income test for childcare benefits 'start'?


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By way of background: I’m an Aussie by birth, the kids have citizenship by descent and my hubby has a 100 spousal visa. After waiting for about 6 years we’re finally moving back to Sydney in June/July 2014!!



Given what I’ve heard about waiting list times in Sydney and our mid-year arrival, I’m not expecting that we’d be able to get both kids into full-time childcare so that I could return to work so the plan will be to continue my stay-at-home-mum gig for 6 months until we get ourselves settled and my daughter starts school.



I’d like to get my daughter and son (then 5yrs and 3yrs &1m) into a pre-school/kindy setting for 1 day a week so that we can all make new pals, get the eldest ready for school, and they don’t go stir-crazy at home with me. I understand that Oz doesn’t have the equivalent of the 15hrs a week childcare funding that you get here in the UK but they do have an income-tested rebate. Does anyone know from what point they take into account your past UK salary (UK/Oz tax years)? Also, would we even be eligible if I’m not looking for work?



As always, any info / experiences you could share would be greatly appreciated!



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I do have kids and I'm pretty sure Blossom is almost right, although you can also be training or looking for work and be eligible for the benefit as well. The centrelink website is definitely the place to check for the full info. Childcare benefit is also means tested - I'm not sure of the levels but we don't get any with a combined income of around $145k - but at the moment everyone can get the childcare rebate, but you have to register for childcare benefit to get it.

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As above, you need to be working/actively seeking work or studying for at least 2 days per week to qualify for the rebate which is not means tested and currently stands at max $7500 per child, or 50% of out of pocket expenses. Child care benefit is means tested, Centrelink has the details of income for that.


Even if you aren't eligable for CCB, you still have to register for it to get your CCR, but they do have a box to tick which says "assess at zero rate" which you can tick to prevent having to provide all the paperwork if you know you're not elgiable becuase of income

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Thanks so much for your replies everyone. From reading the centrelink info previously I didn't think we'd be able to get anything under our current plan but there are a few erroneous posts out there - here's hoping that hubby isn't unemployed for too long!

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Thanks so much for your replies everyone. From reading the centrelink info previously I didn't think we'd be able to get anything under our current plan but there are a few erroneous posts out there - here's hoping that hubby isn't unemployed for too long!


Bear in mind that if you are not working you may be entitled to both family tax benefit A and family tax benefit B, even if you can't get the child care benefit. This may help pay the childcare fees if you decide to put your kids in for a day a week. These are means tested but as we came over right at the beginning of the tax year I'm not sure how your UK earnings might be taken in to account for calculating what you can claim. The easiest thing is to just make an application providing all the information they ask for and see what they decide.

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