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Baby Equipment


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Hi All


Does anyone know of any good website to buy baby things, you know the usual, high chair, potty, car seats etc a website a bit like mothercare.


I have decided to be very organised, we are leaving everything behind here in uk and starting a fresh for our new life. So thought it would be a good idea to buy the essentials that I will need as soon as we arrive just now.


I have an address that I can get things posted to in Oz so I can start buying now. I have had a look through google etc but doesnt seem to be anything like mothercare or even argos.




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Guest mansfiea

Hey there, This is the closest thing Ive found to Mothercare here in oz.


Bubs Baby Shops


m not sure if you can orderline or not, but anything you need you can get there.

Also Kmart, Target and Big W all have quite big baby sections where you can buy potties, stair gates car seats etc etc.


Hope this helps a little.



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Babies Galore is quite big, although a bit more expensive than places like Target, KMart etc. Baby essentials do seem a little bit more expensive here, but places like Target, KMart and Big W have offers on things a lot, like 40% off certain prams etc. If you look on BigW.com.au , Target.com.au , and kmart.com.au they have online catalogues, to get an idea of prices.

If you have a clip on umbrella for your pushchair, bring that in your case, as it was hard for me to find one a few months ago!

I didn't bring anything either Mandy, and have three kids to get kitted out- not cheap, but managed fine:yes:.

Jo x

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