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Hope for those with teenage kids who are playing up about the move!

Que Sera Sera

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My then 16 year old daughter came over with us to Australia stating that we had ruined her life. She refused point blank to pack anything, leaving it down to me the night before we flew to throw her stuff into her cases. She cried from the moment we left the house for Heathrow until when we got to our holiday home where she locked herself in her room for a week. After coaxing her out she proclaimed that everything was vile and stank and she wanted to fly over to her Fathers in Brisbane then fly home. So with heavy heart I took her to the airport and waved her off.

Well 3.5 years later she's still in Brisbane is here visiting me at the moment and has just posted a Facebook status, saying emigrating is the very best thing that could have happened to her. She shares her own home with her older sister, she owns a nice car and enjoys her job. Her closest friends in the UK are unemployed and two have babies no driving licence and still living at home . It's a weight off my mind I can tell you as those few months were the most stressful of my life! There is hope to those with difficult kids! Hang on in there. They may not know it but we usually do know what's best for them. Good luck to all who are going through the same thing at the moment.

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No he's British but he and his new wife emigrated out to Brisbane in 2003.

I'm being very nosy here, but in the light of other recent posts where it seems that families might end up being split between the UK and Oz, you've got an interesting perspective. [You can copy paste this answer if you want: "Bugger off"].


Your (I assume) ex-husband came here in 2003 leaving you and his then 9 year old daughter in the UK. How did he keep up contact between that time and when you moved in 2010(?). And did this contact influence you to move here too? Although I see that you're not in the same city, although that must have been a temptation on one hand, but an encumbrance on the other.

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I'm being very nosy here, but in the light of other recent posts where it seems that families might end up being split between the UK and Oz, you've got an interesting perspective. [You can copy paste this answer if you want: "Bugger off"].


Your (I assume) ex-husband came here in 2003 leaving you and his then 9 year old daughter in the UK. How did he keep up contact between that time and when you moved in 2010(?). And did this contact influence you to move here too? Although I see that you're not in the same city, although that must have been a temptation on one hand, but an encumbrance on the other.


No I don't mind answering It's been a strange on for sure. Life has a way of taking twists and turns. To cut a long story short . My Ex OH and myself have two daughters, now 19 and 23. He emigrated back in 2003 leaving my girls behind, he never asked to take them as he never really saw them when he lived just down the road . His new Wife didn't like kids and they enjoyed the child free lifestyle .Anyway in those days it was just email or MSN there was no Skype then. He stayed in touch and sent photos of his new house, swimming pool etc and said how much he'd like them to visit . Anyway some years later my eldest then 15 decided after a row with me that she wanted to go visit her Father. I decided to let her go because I wanted her to have that experience but also to give us a break from each other. She went loved it and asked to stay. After much discussion ( and many tears!) I decided to allow her to stay on the proviso that she finish her schooling at get some qualifications as she'd missed her GCSE's. After a couple of years of this and realising my OH's skills were on the Critical Skills list and having itchy feet we decided to apply for a visa to Australia ourselves. At that time we had planned to move to the Brisbane area but my OHs skills were taken off the CSL mid application and we then needed State Sponsorship. Queensland was not offering sponsorship for his job so we ended up in WA. We love it here so have stayed and my daughters visit frequently and I fly over there when I can.

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