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Where would you rather grow old: Australia or UK?

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Aren't your kids in OZ flattie thought that was all that was keeping in that god forsaken hole?


Not all of us are from dysfunctional families mine was but that why I intend to work so much harder at giving mine that better life be it in Oz or where ever we end up.


I don't recall Perth being suggested as a god forsaken hole.

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Why doesn't it surprise me Australia comes out worse in your unofficial poll....................classic FOC :laugh:


If nothing your predictable.............


You should know by now only the reality. As for predictable I'd say a number on here constantly peddle the same familiar ground around the bliss of Perth living. Only fair the other side is mentioned. As you would be aware from your time on PiO a number do find it as mentioned and I can certainly certify Aussies and Kiwi's stating greater social ease in UK. Never claim the majority or even that would be reason enough for those that do to remain over there as I know for a fact most still return.

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So which bit was exaggerating?


"...and it will be good to get back to some decent fishing where I can sit out without getting fried or bitten to death"

It is common knowledge that Australia has far better fishing and a greater variety.

Also, getting fried? And 'bitten to death'? Surely you must see the exaggeration. You're still alive...


Cheers, Bobj.

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That is simply your opinion....it is not mine....It is far better in the UK

How many skin cancers have you had removed Bob?


So, with all your bellyaching and dislike about Australia and things Australian, you still live here? Reminds me of the chappy who kept a small stone in his shoe, to remind himself which foot to limp on.:laugh:


None and lived in tropical and desert areas for longer than you have lived in Australia, I dare say.


Cheers, Bobj.

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I have caught plenty of decent fish here......want to get back to my reservoir fly fishing and winter chub and Barbel


Was going to ask you what you target.icon14.png


Used to go for pike, just after WWII mainly for the table.


Cheers, Bobj.

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Was going to ask you what you target.icon14.png


Used to go for pike, just after WWII mainly for the table.


Cheers, Bobj.

Too many small bones in Pike:laugh:


If we move to Cambridgeshire may have another go for them....a lot of people Flyfishing for pike and Zander nowadays....probably give that a go as well.


Getting a bit too knackered for river fly fishing like I used to:laugh:

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Too many small bones in Pike:laugh:


If we move to Cambridgeshire may have another go for them....a lot of people Flyfishing for pike and Zander nowadays....probably give that a go as well.


Getting a bit too knackered for river fly fishing like I used to:laugh:


Always wanted to go pike fishing in the Fens but found Paradise in mackerel fishing, instead.


Cheers, Bobj.

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There are advantages and disadvantages to each. I imagine that the happier people are those that focus on the advantages of where they are; the unhappy ones are those who focus on the disadvantages of where they are and/or the advantages of where they are not.

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It's strange but I really don't know. Until last month I could not envisage being 40, and then suddenly I was. I can't envisage being old or where I want to live and suspect I won't be able to until it happens.


I think I will want to be in the same country as my children, so I can see them easily, but being children of wandering souls, I cannot even guess where my kids will end up.


I quite like the idea of buying a campervan and travelling here and there, wherever the wind takes me. I might try for going round the world in a campervan, that would be fun! Then I would be everywhere and nowhere!

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Too many small bones in Pike:laugh:


If we move to Cambridgeshire may have another go for them....a lot of people Flyfishing for pike and Zander nowadays....probably give that a go as well.


Getting a bit too knackered for river fly fishing like I used to:laugh:


You'll be heading in my direction then! No idea what the fishing is like around here but I do see folk out on the river with their rods - some grand walks though especially for older folk who don't like hills! Lots of wild food too - berries, fruit and nuts if you look for them.

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A years a year in my book FOC, tbh wouldn't care where it was spent as long as around family, you come across as a more mature person are your kids and family in Perth is that why you stay despite your obvious distaste for the place?


Actually not that mature in age but I understand the constant dispatch of wisdom, more than likely suggests a ripening in years...

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