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SMSF buying UK real estate?


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has anyone experience with this? Australian SMSF rules typically seem to allow investment in real estate anywhere in the world, but a big issue as I see it is what type of trust would an SMSF be considered in the UK? Some trusts pay 20% tax, which you could live with, and others pay 45%, which you couldn't. I'm happy to be corrected!


Any thoughts, anyone? And yes, I would get professional advice before committing to anything.

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Hi cooperplace

I am not aware of any precedent giving the answer to this question but you are correct to raise it, since at first sight it would appear that an Australian smsf would come within the definition of an "accumulation trust" in the UK and thus attract the 45% tax. This being a possibility, obviously if you were considering going ahead with this investment you would get advice on this.

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