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Ping Pong Is It Unusual?

Guest guest41161

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Ok, to cut a long story short, arrived back in UK December 12 after 9 years in Oz.


Had a few jobs since then, little one settled at school, and wife has also found work. Close to family, who I see maybe one a week or fortnight, so all seems well.


But in reality, I am starting to have the niggles. Wifes 2 year visa is up at the end of the year, and we need to decide stay and get her ILR, or return.


Both of our jobs are nowhere near as well paid as Oz jobs, to be expected, and neither of us really like our jobs. Easier said than done to move on and find other jobs. Back to living from month to month on our salaries, so really we are slightly worse of than what we were. Previously both in more senior roles and could save a bit each month.


Now thinking, do I need to suck it up, go back and get back on track, or hang tight and try and get on here. Stuck in a nightmare as wife and kid love it here, but I can't see any progress at present for career or buying property etc, etc.


Is this the norm for an Expat returning? Weighing up what each country has and questioning every choice? I am destined to be stuck in no mans land for the rest of my days?


Doing my own head in, so god knows how much I am annoying my wife!


Just like when you first moved to Oz, its hard and you go back a few steps before you move forward. Due to the exchange rate going the other way now, it wont be long until you are earning more in the UK. You will soon have much more disposable income to do things as its cheaper in comparison to earnings in the UK too.


just like here in Oz when people are sat here renting etc, until you settle down and have been there 5 years or more you will be in a backward situation. EG, we didnt sell up and are living in a rental which as most, its dropping to bits and gettiing nothing for our money, however to buy in our area it would cost a million at least, until you had paid that king of morgage for 15 years life will be hard and also month to month so we arent going to bother.

just enjoy it for what it has to offer. UK and Oz are quite simular with plus and minus points both sides, ping ponging aint too bad as you get to live and do things most people who just stay put cant

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