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Anyone in Geelong?

Guest TheVines

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Guest TheVines

Hi everyone my name is Chris, i am an expat from Brighton who married an Aussie girl and we have been living in Australia for about five years.


We recently moved down to Geelong from just outside Cohuna and have noticed a large number of english accent and football shirts around the town. We would love to make a few links with people from the mother country and would be glad to share our experieces of Australian life.


I have heard rumours of a social club in Geelong and was pointed to this webiste in search. Does anyone have any ideas or just want to meet up? We are 33 and 34 and have two dis Dylan (3) And Daisy (9 months) i am a primary school teacher working as a supply (so i have a good knowledge of a few schools in Geelong.


Love to hear from people


Chris, Heather, Dylan and Daisy

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Guest scott7777

Dear Chris and family,


We are moving out to Geelong in November from Lincoln UK. I am a primary school teacher and would love to 'pick your brains' about a few things to do with teaching. It would be great to meet some ex-pats when we arrive to stave off the homesickness! If you are willing to talk about teaching and would like to meet up later this year please email me - zeeriglar@hotmail.com.


Kind Regards,


Zita (39), Scott (39), Holly (15), Liam (13) and Sammmy (12)

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