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Very long shot - but anyone want to be our adoptive parents in Victoria?

Guest gigglesems

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Guest gigglesems

Well - I know this might sound like a VERY bizarre thread but here goes.


Me, my husband and 16 month old son will be moving to Geelong in the next couple of months and I for one am finding the idea of being in a whole new part of the world (without knowing a soul) quite daunting. Although I know it wont be too hard to socialise and get to know people, we will have no family in Australia (and we have very little family in England to keep in touch with).


Therefore, I am seeking anyone who would be able to act somewhat like parents to me and my husband and a grandparent to my son. By this, I do not mean do our washing; give us hand outs and so on :cute:. I just mean someone to trust, to turn to for advice, to enjoy spending time with and so on. I am 25, my husband is 26 and my son is 16 months (he is fabulous, cheeky and energetic - forever cracking a smile on our faces).


To many this may seem crazy - but I am sure there are people out there who have no family and long for that kind of connection - or people who are just a long way away from their family...just like we will be.


If anyone out there understands I would be happy to hear from you.



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Guest Guest9973



It's actually not a weird request at all.


Something like the "Buddy system"


Makes sense actually,something like this happened to us here is Adelaide:smile::smile:

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Wish I were closer to Geelong, I would be happy to be a rent-a-gran! I would wish the same sort of support for my kids if they needed it! I hope you find someone you trust to give you a hand.


I came here at 29 and we didnt know a soul here either but it wasnt too hard to get into the community. I am sure it wont be long before you find a nice bunch of friends.

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Guest Andrea Bridge

There will be someone out there who has been dying for a request like this. How adorable!


I sooooo hope you find someone, because you will all be so much the richer for it.


Good on you. Nothing ventured - nothing gained.


Enjoy your new found 'family', once you find them. What a fun time you will all have.


Keep us all posted!


Andrea x x x

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Guest wendy and neil

Hi all!!


I think that is a great idea about wanting adopted Parents, grand parent etc!!!


I do too but in Perth!


I am hoping to be in Perth in July and I am really nervous, excited and scared leaving all my family behind and moving so far away!


I didnt expect to be there by then but put the house on the market on Wednesday of this week and had a offer on Friday (not moaning as I have heard how people on ere having such a hard time selling their properties).


I would love to meet up with people when we get there cos you cant have too many friends. I am going with Husband(35), son(15) and daughter(10).


It would be great to hear from anyone with any info they can give us!:wubclub:

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Guest gigglesems

Ah thanks guys - its so nice to be told that it isnt such a crazy idea after all. Me and my husband dont have much family here in the UK and the family we do have, we are not particularly close to. Its already hard not having parents to turn to when needed, and I know it will be even harder when we move. My thought behind this was that there are a lot of people out there who havent had families of their own (for whatever reason) or people who just love others - who would like to adopt two adults and a baby lol! Fingers crossed we manage to find someone - if not on here, I might advertise in the local press when we get there!



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Guest The Picketts
I think it's a lovely thought - I've found my surrogate parents in the pickets (they just don't know it yet), lol





Oh Ali - I'm touched - so when are we getting a visit from our 'children'!? :smile:




ps - How's Janette's move going?

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I promise I won't ask you to baby sit (although you've met my two little darlings twice and they were good as gold)lol.


Not heard from Janette - but house warming in a couple of weeks, would imagine she's pretty busy at the moment, I'm hoping it all goes well



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Guest Gollywobbler

HI there


I don't think yours is a crazy idea at all.


Try sending PMs to the following members of Poms in Oz:


PomsInOz Forum - View Profile: SAVTA






SAVTA lives in Bentleigh. I'm not sure whether that is anywhere near Geelong.


Mike & Connie have now settled in Bonbeach:


PomsInOz Forum - View Profile: Mike and Connie


I don't know where newnico has moved to but she is definitely in Melbourne:


PomsInOz Forum - View Profile: newnico


They are all on Contributory Parent visas.


Good luck



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  • 2 years later...
Guest sunnysa

I know exactly where you are coming from. My eldest son was born in South Africa and I was on my own out there with a husband who was as much use as a chocolate fire guard. I met the love of my life out there (Yorkshireman) and we moved back to the uk for 18 years. Five years ago we up sticks again with our youngest lad (22 now) and now live in Geelong. My eldest has married an American Lass. If you are still looking for a helping hand, let me know, I would be more than happy to help as I know how tough it is without family around.

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